Prince O'Wales

I laughed through this whole thing. To the guy who made this, thank you for your service

It was a serviceable comedy. Not memorable but not terrible

I listened the DVD commentary for the movie. Chris Columbus said that the only things the MPAA told them to do to make the movie a PG-13 was cut down some frames of needle injections and the part where Rosario Dawson thrusts her crotch at the camera.

I was wondering what he did before he did Britney. Going from Halloween drag to Vegas strip is a big step

"Her middle look was a boring-ass white dress."
The challeng was to do drag in the style of their mother. Based on all the pics of her mom she showed, I think she was faithful. The daiper thing gave me weird Coco Montrese flashbacks but her final outffit was very editorial and praisworthy

Alot of queens forget that while choreography is good, making an emotional connection to the song is much better and keeps the judge's attention

Now that you mention it, I'm pretty upset that Laila and Dax got early (and embarrassing) exits while Derrick got to stay. I've seen Laila's work and she is an amazing queen who got railroaded. How was she supposed to stand out in a challenge where her team is playing the good girls while all wearing the same outfit?

That was a test. And you passed

Interesting milestone, this is the first top 4 with no white queens.

They were totall naturals. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought they were regulars. Them and that guy from Blondie should totally guest judge at least twice per season

Maybe it was due to the runway but I thought Derrick was worse than Cynthia in the challenge. That character was too hard for them to have any business doing but Derrick came off more as trying too hard

Seriously of all the impersonation queens, she seems the least versatile. Coco could dance and Chad was an all around professional. Derrick is just a boy in a wig


So Lasagna Estranga. Her make up in the Glamazon challenge runway was awful. Adore should have been the only winner since she was pulling the weight. Sharon once said that every queen needs to go through a "busted phase". You have no money, you got to get shit on the cheap and make it look fabulous. It's how you learn…

i actually think middle of season 5. But it didn't get painfully unfunny until "Friend of Peter G." The pretentiousness of the episode turned me off of the show forever

At first I could not understand how Adore got on this show, but now I see it. Like you said , she is on a budget but what she lacks in the fancy expensive dresses, she makes up for in personality. She is really fun and as a young queen, she is very open to applying criticism.

I was actually disappointed at Courtney's runway. It started off good but that reaveal was meh. At least Carmen would put some sparkle on her bits. But a bra and panty set is pretty lazy

Seriously, the best rappers E-NUN-CI-ATE. No one likes a rapper who mumbles

I wanted to see Milk lipsync after I saw that 90's kid show outfit she wore for the rap challenge. I wanted her to leave as soon as I saw that cheap mermaid thing. It looked like she picked that up at DEBS and she read as "Bitch Queen First Time in Drags as a Ball"

That musical guest…. gospel, R&b, soul, and pop put in a blender ugh. And those desperate camera fucking eyes with that "I'm totally artsy guys, you can tell by my haircut" style just turned me off completely