Prince O'Wales

I LOVED black jeopardy! I reminded me of what it was like to go to school around white people for the first time

Watching it I had a feeling if a monolouge was that good, that doesn't bode well for the rest of the show. I mean I did not stop laughing start to finish. But I must say, that was a great episode

Pay Attention to Me Deficit Disorder is a main symptom of Theatre Kids Syndrome. She doesn't know how to turn it off. If she's not getting attention, she will die

Milk is that boy drag should have been read up and down (to be honest I thought she was going to come out in black face so I was relieved). She had a look but no personality behind it. Sharon was a unique queen but she could create a character and show range. Milk is all weird look but no personality

When queens get all defensive of their "style" of drag it annoys me. Sharon Needles had a very unique style but she could give the judges what they asked for. You can show range while still being true to your style.

Laganga has a serious case of Theatre Kid Syndrome. Prescription, turning the switch off every now and then

Katniss is the most boring protagonist I 've ever read in the books. DO you really need to "decide" to be the hero when shit has fallen completely apart in your world. the movies do a much much better job.

I felt that way about Hunger Games. first was pretty good, the second was boring until the second half of the book, the third was unreadable.

That protagonist is so vague, I could insert myself into that role!

I'm mixed on Jocelyn. She has this genuine air headedness about her that makes her seem innocent. But her obliviousness grates on me

the fight she had with Sharon was what made people really turn on her and that was still a few episodes in. Gia seems to already have a large hatedom

Maybe they are keeping Adore around for the singing challenge? I can't imagine her going past snatch game and if she is in the bottom next episode she will definitely lip sync

At first I was really into Milk. I though she would definitely cause a commotion with her looks. But she just recycled the same leg ware and pallet switched the top. If she does that again, I think I'm going to stop rooting for her

She is the one to beat this sesason. She's got the looks, versatility, and one liners that are guaranteed to give her the most screen time

I thought Trinity was a filler queen when I saw her Meet the Queens video. She was so boring and no personaity. After seeing her style, I can see why she is here. that was flawless execution on a risky concept

I totally got an airheaded Jade Jolie from her. In her MTQ she read as really boring to me so I'm glad she has at lest some personality

Phi-Phi could at least style a wig and beat her face. I've never seen a RPDR contestant read more like boy n a dress than she did

There's been some rumors that Bianca leaves the competition because she fights with the judges.

I think Gia's bitchy fish will let her go on for about 3 more episodes or maybe at least up until a group challenge

I was so sad that Kelly left. He is so talented but I will admit his drag is fairly pedestrian. I thought the split up might be good especially after re watching previous seasons and seeing how some queens made it through just by coasting. But usually the first challenge shows how creative and amazing they are but God