Prince O'Wales

That was the most boring hour of tv I've ever seen. Just rolled my eyes from start to finish. The desperate way they are trying to keep the characters together, that time wasting sex scene. And the dinner party….. "So what brought you to your field? " most people would answer, I was most interested in the subject

It wasn't hardly crappy. It was very crappy

Our culture is notoriously not too accepting of the gays

Weird. ABC has sure stepped up their game. They used to be the home of braindead paint-by-numbers famcoms. Now CBS is taking the lead

With the amount of kill table fodder Dexter has, maybe it's not so hard to get away from the cops in Miami

But why endanger yourself by spending time in the city you are most wanted, then go out of your way to make yourself most conspicuous. She poisons Dexter and takes him to nowhere for no reason essentially killing screen time because they realized they had no useless side plots left to explore. Then asks someone she

The writers playing the tired "rape as drama" trope pissed me off. It was a lazy trick to make him look as evil as possible in order to give Hanna a quick reason to kill him. The writers just said "fuck subtlety, we have characters to rush awkwardly back into the show"

They essentially made an entire episode out of loose ends no one cares about.
Why did they bring Harry back for exposition? You can't just go 5 episodes then bring him back for no significant reason. God, this show is looking like WEEDS in its last season.

Dexter needs to learn to show not tell. The needless exposition is killing me

Seeing the trailers before and after Dexter, my reaction went from "hmm seems cool and the tits have promise " to"won't be good after 2 seasons but the tits will get better as the quality declines "

I think the premise isn't enough to be engaging for more than a season or 2. But it's good to see Showtime CEO of tits has been working overtime

In prison, you can't have sex with your problems to make them go away

They might make the sequel direct to dvd if Planes bombs. The thing about children's entertainment is that no matter how bad it is you can still make more money off of the merchandising and parent's need to sit their kids in front of the tv so they can have an hour of quiet time.

According to their wiki:  A sequel, titled Planes: Fire & Rescue, is scheduled for theatrical release on July 18, 2014.

Ryan Reynolds, Katy Perry, Dane Cook. It has been the summer of animated douchebaggotry

A male stripper? Please, only women are allowed to use their sexuality to manipulate.

I agree with Polar Bears. Women in prison are known for wearinf "makeup" but those women on Orange are not really tv pretty. They look like people I would run into in the midwest. You know, pretty but not like Dexter sexy

How dare you be skeptical of random young women calling you their father!

Like with the camera sound effects, whenever Dexter uses a computer it bleeps and bloops like an 80's mac. Do the sound editors on this show know that computers do not generate sound like that when you open picture files?

We did get a scene of her sort of studying, but of course she was sidetracked by her duty to fuck Quinn into feeling better about himself.