
24 and Arrested Development. Same news anchor.
Yup, I researched that.

24 and Arrested Development. Same news anchor.
Yup, I researched that.

Seriously, Michael Lerner and Jon Polito? Can someone please do a mashup of this and Barton Fink?

Mission to Mars was over a decade ago.
It's okay for me to nitpick, because I'm full of hate.

Say what you will but…
This is the rare commentary track that actually enhances a second viewing of the film. Vimmer comes across as a very candid, warts and all personality. I even bought his idea that the hero shouldn't get so much as scratched.

That Ol' Gerge Lucas feeling
I guess this will be Shamalan's Howards the Duck, a movie a he didn't write or direct but is blamed for it awfulness anyway.

Brton Finklike
Do you think the screen writer is having his Barton Fink moment with executives right now.
"Kevin James. MMA movie. What do you need, a roadmap?"

And in making the most obvious joke now I am as lowest common denominator as T3. It is a slippery slope.

Target Audience
Ironically, this poor brain damaged woman is only now capable of enjoying Transformers 3.

Christian Bale
Here's a sign you've gone off the rails as an actor: you play Batman in a movie and Batman is demoted to 4th billing.
I do really hope he starts playing human beings again someday.

Artie learning of Jon Stewart's pending latenight show.
"Is going to be at 12:30?…Well he can't be on at 11, then he'd be doing the news."
Ha, Stewart did end up at 11 doing the news. Prescient.

the list
Green is a terrifiic underrated actor. But on my ongoing list celebrities I suspect are closeted homsexuals, both he and Fox make appearances.

Permanent Midnight
This sounds like the sitcom Jerry Stahl (Ben Stiller) was describing when he goes into a production meeting completely strung out in Permanent Midnight.

Check the library!
I remember being surprised by the violence in Doomsday when it aired ( I think on Thanksgiving 94). Like when he says "Check the library!" and hits a guy with a book. Even at 12 I was thinking "This guy has really exhausted his cleverness."

I wonder
The first attempt to revive LotL was as a 1991-92 series inwhich the lead was played by Timothy Bottoms. Both Ferrell and Bottoms got a lot of mileage playing George w. Bush in the early 00's
So I wonder, what about these two actors contually draws them to portray men who become hopelessly entrenched in

I will never watch again, but..
I didn't like the show much, but give it some points for atleast acknowledging adolescent female sexuality. Sure, the "hot girl" was nothing more than an object, but no one else got more than 1 or 2 dimensions.
The one thing that impressed me was that after the lame opening scene (which

Can I admit relief after first reading this headline as 'Gary Cole RIP."

Damnit Rabin!
Ladies Man came out in September 2000, so its been slightly than a decade since the last SNL film. Please, your typically impeccable research gives me stability in these rocky times.

What I like most about this show is that it allows its characters to go over the top but continually remiinds us that the show is set in the real world, and that was largely forgotten this year. A corporate fall out was a great set up for an heir of economic insecurity to set in. It seemed for a while that the

Arc and the covenant.
I was skeptical that this sereies would work in sydication, seeing as how most people dont view reruns in order and that the shows great moments work because of their precision in the greater context.
That being said, I recently found the show to work just fine viewed as standlone episodes and