
Great scenes occur in less than stellar movies.
The last scene in Point Break. From the cop walking to the beach as everyone else flees, to the way the early nineties metal music hits the credits a little too quick, when you almost expect a someber score to be there in its place. And the final line, followed by the

Dont mess with success.
If they are smart they will keep mining the cast of Ten Things I hate About You for villains. I'd like to see a Joseph Gordon Leavitt Riddler or David Krumholtz penquin.

Im sure your cautious outlook on these things will pay off for you somehow.

Thank goodness.
I wish the AV club had updated the post from last week about these tickets going onsale monday for the Pheonix show. I spent the week thinking they were upwards of $250 each as the Dodge Theater web site had listed them. I am am very happy now to have much more affordable tickets to that show. This

Uh hello, Felllini's Satyricon was the first mockumentary, it was the last new genre invented.
Thank you, Adaptation.

keith phillips
I remember a review, I think from here, said something to the effect of the title character Ecks pronounced with the proper amount of throat (egggghh) properly captured the feeling watching the film.
I've since stolen that line and adapted it toward Glenn Bleck (bleeggghhhh).