The Crab Chip

The price is right, ain't it?

Alright, boys, coast is clear, let's git 'em!

I know, right? Every episode of The Wire deserves an A+, not an A,


John Cooper's in heaven right now, pointing out all the dumb shit the other angels are doing.

"I have a dream, unless yo' bitch ass don't want to hear about it."

He's as useless as a marzipan dildo.

Hey, Dr. Zaius, shut your dick holster!

Turn the page, wash your hands
Turn the page, wash your hands.
Turn the page, wash your hands.
Turn the page, wash your hands
Meeting adjourned, we did good work today, everybody! *bangs gavel*

Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had
pictures of bumblebees on 'em. Gimme five bees for a quarter, you'd say.

Rickon Stark just likes telling long-winded tales that have pointless punchlines, thus the name.


I always pronounce his name as "Doo-WAN-yane"

No, what in God's name are you blath- oh now I see what you're talking about. WTF, Old Spice?

You know, you shouldn't abuse cough syrup like that…

Lessss gooo Bruuuins! Woooo… *vomits* *collapses* *passes out drunk on the T*


Just throw it at Aaron Carter. God knows, the poor guy will take anything he can get at this point.

James Franco doesn't care how you feel about him.

Also known as "Ken Burns."