Acid Ghost

FOX: Keeping Poor People Distracted Since 1987

commitment to the emo comb-forward lasts until one realizes they look like a scarecrow with straw hair. embrace your forehead, young man. free yourself of terrible hairstyles.

yeah i think it was Miami or Boston, where they started giving them all a job they had to work at/be involved with. but the first 4 years (New York, LA, San Fran, and London) they just all had whatever job it was they had in real life and the people who weren't from those cities like went and looked for work and did

i assume the ONLY reasons MTV keeps making the Real World is to get new contestants to be on the Challenge.

remember in the beginning when they cast humans to be on this show? some of them were even from the cities where the show was being filmed. most all of them had jobs and shit going on besides hanging out at the house and getting drunk and screaming at each other. if they wanted to shake up the formula of the show they

anyone else disappointed that the tie-in with Thor next week is some alien staff?! i was really hoping it was gonna be the monster from Jötunheimr that got sucked through the portal onto Earth that i assume is still running around London eating people. but nope, just another fucking random weapon…just like almost

with the reveal that the governor is hanging out in the woods, i guess we can assume that he has been leading packs to prison…but i agree it makes no goddamned since that zombies keep showing up in waves when your typical prison is in an isolated area. if we maybe had some sort of clue where the hell in Georgia they

I love that Stevie was given a great moment of telling Kenny to go fuck himself and clean up his damn feeeexins Only to follow that small victory up with blowing his goddamn chin off. Stevie is truly the MVP of this show always and forever.

His crazy Dune eyes are still the best sight gag for me.

i thought it was pretty weird when Jim Jarmusch showed up at the end of Thor 2.

i keep hoping for a Dukes of Hazzard one. i like the idea of Adam Scott as Luke and Chris Pratt as Bo.

nothing is ever gonna touch Simon & Simon, but i think the joke is still funny.

where are the Luke Cage and Jessica Jones anal sex jokes?

Common would be my Luke Cage of choice.

i think the chainsaw tops the arm.

what the fuck was up with New Orleans' shittiest most poorly lit hospital? that's no place to get treatment for acid burns to the eyes.

we already have a forbidden love story with fast cars between Vin Diesel and The Rock.

i totally thought she was gonna die considering she fits the profile of a character that would be killed off of a Whedon show. and when she didn't die i felt like they dropped the ball. there was a chance to actually raise the stakes, force Coulson to make a morally conflicted choice of dumping her off the plane

yes, those procedurals DO pull in huge ratings, but i am more convinced it's cuz CBS (Crimes Being Solved) has branded itself as the network for that kind of thing (also i am convinced old people don't know how to work their remote controls and just leave the TV on CBS all day). ABC isn't really known for procedurals.

Battle of New York drinking game strikes again.