Acid Ghost

I can even accept the older brother being a music nerd and having heard Joy Division and New Order, but The Smiths is a bridge too far in my suspension of belief.

i was speaking specifically of the cover.

"Sunglasses at Night" 1985, "Hazy Shade of Winter" 1984, and then the older brother referencing The Smiths when they only had two singles out in 1983 that would most likely not been available to a kid from Small Towm, Indiana.

Which explains why it only took 2 episodes for them to use music that hadn't even been released when this is set.

Most unbelievable aspect of this show is the older brother having heard the fucking Smiths in 1983 small town Indiana. I can buy a Midwestern music nerd being into REM and The Replacements, but no way in hell does that kid have access to import 7 inches of "This Charming Man."

so Pope's creepy birthday sex with the stripper has me thinking that he is J's father, not Baz. When your mother is as twisted as Smurf, it seems way too plausible that some Game of Thronesian shit was going on between the twin Cody siblings.

Why'd they let Alex Jones write the new X-Files?

F for Fucking Hilarious. oh Homeland, you are such a flaming pile of shit now.

the reality is that the backlash Homeland is getting this year is from the fact people are starting to figure out this show was NEVER that good to begin with. the 1st few episodes of Season 1 were the highpoint for the show, but once the love story of Brody and Carrie kicked in it was all downhill. the total copout of

cuz he's a Frankenstein monster.

season 2 actually has some horrific moments…ya know, like a show called American Horror Story should. Seasons 1 & 3 are just a buncha goofy nonsense.

lots of people are dumb.

i liked this season better when i thought it was just gonna be about a school for teenage witches. ya know, like X-Men but with better hats. what in the holy fuck has this nonsense devolved into?

F for Fuck Me For Watching This Trash!

that's easy to fix. the kid dies.

my guess is that from day 1 they've been hamstrung by Marvel/Disney/ABC by a lack of budget and not being able to do anything on this show that would ever bleed over into or effect the Marvel movies.

the A-Team they are not.

i thought the Rising Tide was just gonna lead the reveal that Nick Saban was this season's big bad.

the problems with SHIELD have remained the same since the 1st episode. the show looks cheap as fuck (what was up with Not-Luke Cage’s crappy outfit? that’s the best the costume department can do?), the action scenes are dull, half of the cast is awful, and the dialogue is painfully cliched and simplistic. we can

It's getting more and more obvious with every episode that we are NEVER getting any actual Marvel on this show.