the costume department should be fired from this show. that was the best they could do? some crappy looking leather jacket? i mean, why don't they just give him one of the SHIELD jump suits from the movies?
the costume department should be fired from this show. that was the best they could do? some crappy looking leather jacket? i mean, why don't they just give him one of the SHIELD jump suits from the movies?
watching this episode made me feel like i was a 10 year old…which makes sense because that's who this bullshit is written for. the fucking dialogue keeps getting more simplistic and groan worthy.
well yeah, obviously people ship them because TV fans be shipping everyone, but it's still a boring ass plotline that i hope the writers understand would be completely terrible.
are people seriously shipping Ichabod and Abbie? that's so boring. i like their chemistry so much as buddies. the idea of them getting together is terrible. this ain't x-files.
I know they couldn't top Crane killing a motherfucking Swamp Thing Tree Monster with an axe but i was still let down with the ole' glass shard to the golem's gut trick.
i feel like they've torn through what would have been 22 episodes worth of plot already. i do wish they'd slow down and develop some of the mythology a bit more. give us more flashback episodes. keep some shit secret like the identity of the horseman or the fate of Crane's son for like..i don't know, 3 episodes or so.
Booger from Revenge of the Nerds is gonna get his ass kicked by Dean.
Tarantino has talked a little bit in the past about doing a mini-series because every script he writes ends up 3 times longer than he can fit into any movie. i wouldn't hate a TV version of Kill Bill.
hey, there's some strippers too.
how do vampires get boners when their hearts can't pump blood? somethings you just gotta take on faith. zombies are magic.
but that's what i liked about it. i want this show to be completely unsentimental about the characters. i want there to be shocking and horrific deaths. that's what worked about the comics.
i meant just as a fun story element…not logically.
i hope they have the stones to just let that baby be zombie food. the last thing this show needs is more goddamned child actors.
the damn baby died in the comic during the prison battle, so it's plausible that she is dead. not showing us what happened is a lot more horrifying too. i hope they just never resolve it.
this actually makes more sense than the girls going back for her.
solid B+ for the fact shit actually happened. this show ain't ever getting an A from me, but this is about as good as the Walking Dead gets.
the luck of being the main character. he really should be long dead.
Ghost of Larry Munson approves this comment.
finally this show had the balls to kill someone i actually give a shit about.
Crane killed a Tree Monster with an axe. what more do you want from television? i love this fucking show.