Acid Ghost

it's a saturday morning cartoon and it doesn't seem to wanna be anything more than that.

i think too many people are watching this wanting/hoping it's gonna get good and aren't being honest about just how bland it really is. i know i was guilty of that the first few episodes.

i still think the 2nd episode is by far the worst/most boring. at least there was some threat that one of the characters was gonna die…but yeah, this show is still Agents of Z.z.z.z.z. to me.

Chitauri? I hardly know her.

if we aren't gonna get any superheroes then this show is basically just a CBS procedural that references the Avengers constantly. the ratings are gonna keep tumbling downward. i don't really know who the fuck that they think this show is going to appeal to.

they had me at Dean turns into a dog. this might be my favorite goofy episode since Changing Channels.

he's 44, but he looks about 50.

hoping KP brings in Reg Mackworthy now that he's running Sports Sesh.

Manson has gotten old as fuck. A life of cocaine and booze and goth chicks has worn him down.

i am gonna guess Carol on her own is where the Governor is going to come back into play.

the one thing this show is really good at is taking a character and then making that character behave like a fucking idiot.

the lack of quality combined with how seriously it is taking itself is making this show a total bore. with something as ridiculous as Dracula the vengeful businessman, this show could stand to have a sense of humor.

Hannibal, this show is not.

i would say, No, since it's eyes were blinking in the box.

Dennis’ face ever time Mac over explained the plot or Charlie spoke to them from behind the camera reminded me of every time i tried to make a movie with my friends in higschool and was the only one taking it seriously. i feel your pain Dennis. you may be a sociopath, but you are the only one committed to art.

South Park is always at their weakest and least funny when they setup a Strawman.

real question: why the hell would Delphine LaLaurie thank Queenie for saving her life when they fucking established that she is immortal and can not die?! what threat did the Minotaur actually pose to her?

yeah, this was a C+ at least. a total throwaway episode, but it had some good laughs, plus anything with Charlie is always great.

considering Dean is basically a 14 year old boy that kills monsters at heart, this makes total sense.

it's very much a thing. lots of people have them now because you don't have to use chemicals.