Acid Ghost

can we get a goddamn moratorium on incest plots?

i think my overall hatred for the first few episodes blinded me to this one, in that something was actually happening and there were people with super powers and not spies with robot eyes or latin american revolutionaries as the antagonist. don't misinterpret me saying this was the BEST episode for me saying it was a

hoping that in season 2 Agents of SHIELD will be giving us a very special halloween episode with guest stars Man-Thing, Ghost Rider, Werewolf By Night, and Morbius The Living Vampire.

guess i better upvote that shit.

that is the seriously huge issue with this show. hopefully any future Marvel related tv projects will just try and stay away from the films and use characters that they can just tell some good stories with.

this show is for 12 year olds. once you get passed that then you just turn off your brain and enjoy it for the live action cartoon that it is. tonight's episode at least wasn't a fucking boring slog like the first few.

they mention it in every single episode constantly. it's not that much of an exaggeration. it's starting to become the basis of a potential drinking game at this point.


i keep wondering if Disney won't let them use Hyrda as the main villain this season because of the Captain America movie. everything about this show just feels like they are being held back by the studio trying to protect their future movie projects.

sure, i don't think most movie fans give a shit.

best episode yet in that this was the 1st episode that legitimately did not bore the shit outta me.

Batman Mobile

or we could just get a super meta remake of Smokey and the Bandit starring McBride as Kenny Powers as the Bandit.

perhaps the inevitable Kenny Powers movie that will follow this “final” season can be a homage to Bad News Bears with Kenny coaching a team of underprivileged youth in the finer things in life: ca$h, honor$, car$, jet$, luxurie$


My guess is that it is D'Angelo that burned the bodies and the little girl that fed the zombies.

Cuz Rick is the worst.

Universal already did shit like this back in the 40s & 50s with all these characters when they'd make enemble monster films like Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man and all those Abbot and Costello meet the (insert random monster) movies.

that may very well be what happened. this show has always been so close to being cancelled it's entire run that the Leslie/Ben marriage felt like it was their intended finale but then NBC brought the show back only so they'd have something familiar on Thursday as they slowly but surely killed what was once the best 4

i'm starting to feel about Parks & Rec the way i did about The Office those last few seasons where i sorta still care about these characters and watch out of habit, but it's best/funniest days are long gone and i spend most of the episode smiling but not doing a whole lot of laughing. now unlike the Office, nothing on