Acid Ghost

yeah this is pretty fucking terrible other than maybe a couple of lines.

DeVito's performance tonight was amazing. his speech about evolution and hair was worth at least a B+ grade for this episode.

also felt like a nice little nod to Pacific Rim.

Are they bat boys or are they butlers? You don't know, but it's a sweet look.

soooooooo we gonna get any damn Marvel characters on this show that uses the Marvel name or what?

"Seal Team Douche" my favorite Dean-ism of the night.

it's hard to tell if these are the ramblings of a person who is suffering from depression or if this is the work of a person who is trolling the internet.

HOW could you ever forget it? it was burned into my mind to ponder until the day i die what the fuck that was supposed to mean.

i watched the whole damn thing in one night and into the next morning and after maybe the 5th episode i lost my mind and started to enjoy just how truly horrifyingly terrible it was. i really want them to make a 2nd season.

when does Hemlock Grove season 2 come out? i need something utterly terrible and bizarre in my life, again.

Kenneth is really driving NBC into the ground faster than i could have possibly imagined.

i took the whole bathing in the imaginary pool of magic plague curing water to be a test the horseman was presenting Abbie.

you can thank the World Series for this nice little break.

i feel like i never learned about that story in school at all, but when i was on vacation in North Carolina once when i was in middle school.

the middle english thing was completely confusing, but on a show this fucking bonkers i just roll with it.

there's a difference between being wanted and being wanted for questioning.

ranking the sequences, which also basically falls in line with which character is best to worst.
1. Frank's 2. Dennis' 3. Charlie's 4. Dee's 5. Mac's

i really wanted to see where the hell Dennis'  “A fisherman always spots another fisherman from afar” speech was going as creepy Dennis is the best Dennis.

i like the idea that Dennis has so little regard for her that he didn't even fantasize about her death and we just assume that's what happened and why she doesn't visit him.

Charlie's story was strangely beautiful and did almost make me cry as well…WHAT THE FUCK, SUNNY?