Acid Ghost

that Ryan Murphy is really into the subtle story telling elements.

another main problem is that i have some serious doubts Marvel and Disney are going to let this show use very many of their established characters. this is what happens when Marvel sold away the rights to everything that was valuable and interesting and now they are gonna hoard 2nd rate characters that could work on a

also this has been pointed out by a lot of people, BUT WHY DOES THIS SHOW LOOK SO GODDAMNED CHEAP?

i keep wondering if i was say, 12 or 13 years old instead of a jaded man in his 30s that has read too many goddamn comics and seen too many goddamn spy movies and shows if i would enjoy it. i mean it's on at 8pm for a reason, and that reason isn't to appeal to me.

that Chuck comparison is spot on other than the fact Chuck had a likeable cast. i have this little half hope that midway through the season when they realize this cast is awful and has no chemistry that the team will be sent on some mission where everyone gets killed but Coulson and we can reset…now with less bland

3 episodes in and i can say this show is officially B.O.R.I.N.G.

no one likes Pepsi. not even new humans.

infinite loop of nothingness.

i watched the entire series on netflix in like a month. it's entertaining as fuck. if you ever liked Buffy/Angel or enjoy Sleepy Hollow then yeah, this is a show for you.

Mammas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Play Football.

Boogeyman is definitely the scariest villain from an 80s kids cartoon.

the most terrifying/disturbing episode of TV that stuck with me was when i watched an episode of The New Alfred Hitchcock Presents about this guy who is paralyzed in a car crash and everyone thinks he is dead and it's all told from his point of view. that shit fucked me up as a 9 year old.

as weird and creepy as Home was, i still think Squeeze is the scariest X-Files episode…or it was when it first aired and i was a kid.

whenever i hear Rising Tide i fully expect Nick Saban to be revealed as the Big Bad for this first season.

instead of Agents of SHIELD give me Marvel Team-Up

i've either aged out of the demographic that finds Whedon-speak amusing or this cast just can't fucking act. regardless, 2 episodes in and this show just feels so blah that i can't imagine sticking with it more than another week or so. they need some cool villains or some recognizable Marvel characters fast cuz this

I loved Hellblazer back in the 90s but if we are gonna be turning Vertigo comic books into TV shows wouldn't it be more interesting to see Preacher, Y The Last Man, Sandman, or Swamp Thing?

I'm glad you wore your nice flip flops.

a show that began as a fun little story about a serial killer who kills murderers ends with a deadbeat dad faking his death to become Brawny. fuck you, Scott Buck. fuck you, Showtime. fuck you to me for still watching after all this time.

for 1 slight second i thought when Quinn and Batista were watching the video that they were gonna piece together what Dexter actually was……but then remembered they are idiots.