Acid Ghost

so after Deb dies on the finale and Dexter gets away with everything cuz this is Dexter, the Entourage of serial killers….no consequences, bro! i want a shot of Dexter waving goodbye to Ghost Harry, Ghost Deb, and Ghost Vogel like the end of Return Of the Jedi.

if the finale of Dexter isn't the worst hour of television i have ever watched then i am going to be disappointed.

he used to bring them donuts.

also some guy on youtube fixed the final season of Dexter in a nice What If? video. not that anything could fix this show that doesn't involve time travel http://youtu.be/Hl407-PZa3k

Love cures serial killing, apparently. good to know.

i think that pretty much sums up the whole reason she exists. the writers were like, "so this season of Dexter he's not really gonna kill anyone, and we brought in this old lady who used to be super hot in the 70s but now she's all old in stuff and we also brought back Yvonne Strahovski but she's still all no noodz

pointing out things Dexter did poorly is sort of a pointless task, but i really can't believe that in the end all Vogel was, was a terrible psychologist who came up with the code. the fact that was her only real story is just so fucking boring.

Harrison Morgan: human prop, did some good work tonight.

this episode deserved an F. i didn't even get my normal laughs or what the fuck moments. i was just bored to tears the whole time and constantly hitting refresh on my fantasy football score because nothing on this episode could hold my attention for 5 minutes.

i don't remember at any point feeling like the writers have considered Dexter evil, he just was slightly more complex.

i don't know. i kind of love Banshee for the bonkers trashiness.

the answer is: not that good. just good for Showtime.

drink whenever Vogel says psychopath. punch yourself in the face everytime you remember you have been watching Dexter for 8 years.

yeah i kept laughing at my tv and saying, "he fucking knows who you are and that you are working with his mom and most likely that you are a serial killer and you are just fucking standing there."

i guess you've never dated a girl who made you watch the 1st Twilight movie.

i was laughing the whole time at that scene. in my reality of Dexter being a self aware TV character trapped in a TV show, he has just given up like the writers and doesn't care anymore.

people who say the finale ruined Lost for them are the kind of people you can't have a rational discussion about the show with. i understand being letdown but for me it was a show about love, friendship, loss, death, and redemption. i stopped caring about all the mysteries after the 1st few seasons because i cared

people who were mad at Lost for not answering ALL THE QUESTIONS were watching that show for the wrong reasons. it was a show about relationships not polar bears.

just time that could've been better spent not watching this show.

it was a pretty obvious twist that i think was pointed out by several commenters at least 2 episodes ago.