

Jessica Fletcher or gtfo.

Definitely vary. It's not like Sarah hasn't been kicking ass all this time, too. And Mrs. S was there, too. And it's not like they had to actually say anything in front of him!! Does it make more sense to leave him behind, pulling Sarah away from where Kira is??

She's so scared of the skinny old guy that she can't even enter the building? What?

Actually it would be a liiiittle more horrifying if he stopped there. But not much.

That was ridiculous, especially since Delphine had been in the building earlier. Why didn't she just enter?

It was terrible. It didn't work at all. He's the worst, and never funny.

She was amazing. I was crying with her.

We don't even know what she was put in prison for. The car bomb was mentioned in passing during the trial…it seemed to me that she was being tried for something even worse.

Yeah, the fact that she got away with slipping away from the prison for a few hours to stalk her obsession? I don't see her stopping….

Wearing generic, old lady chemo clothes!

She was actually pretty scary, by the end. That was what was so creepy - that what we'd been looking at as a harmless, sad fixation was in fact disturbed and extremely dangerous.

This was the first episode of the show I've seen…and it was the best show I've seen in my entire life.

Amazingly, I legit missed that, though the sarcasm was pretty thick. Maybe I just wasn't expecting sarcasm on this.

I <3 you.

Ohnotheydidnt has been very actively discussing this entire incident.

Jessica Fletcher or gtfo.

Ooohhhhh. Thanks. I totally didn't realize that he's from BSG. I've been thinking he was the guy from the Matrix all this time, and wondering why they kept putting him in the same sunglasses.

In the seconds before she tried to smother Helena, I thought to myself, quite confidently, 'it's funny that Grace is the one who hates her the most, because she's the least dangerous of them all.'

Wow, Tahmoh would have been such a better casting choice! Although I guess it's basically the same role he played in Dollhouse? I think? (I never really watched)