
Why have us google "michael pain + cats in pants" when the first link that comes up is an AV Club article about it?

I really don't think SHE would do it. She's much too close to him, and would be too hurt by his actions, too vulnerable, to be a responsible sober companion.

Absent, and not missed, to be honest. I like Bell, but I don't think Gregson really adds much.

Argh! I knew I was overlooking something. California, the state everyone forgets when trying to list all 50.

I'm pretty sure that the category called for 4-letter words, or something else that excluded 'ho' as being correct. Also, ho and hoe are spelled differently.

What about F? Am I totally blanking on something other than Florida??

Joan got kidnapped???

Minuses aren't real!!

Someone remind me why we got rid of downvotes again?

This was the best episode this show has had yet. If shows are rated based on their own potential, this definitely deserved an A.
"Why is this so DIFFICULT?"
"I can't stop wondering what a kiss on the lips would feel like."
"They…dip them in something."
"There's no limit to the lengths we will go to maintain your

They…dip it in something.

Yeah, I didn't even believe her "that look" nonsense, so she definitely seemed unjustifiable, to me.
Surprisingly, though, no one was guilty of murder in this episode, right?

I can't believe you find Enzo more interesting than Nadia. They are both plot devices with limited charisma, but Nadia's conflicting feelings for her mother and for Matt are at least compelling. Enzo has no real personality or even thought beyond, "kill people." It was nice to see him standing by Damon tonight, but

Weird, I interpreted it very differently. "We know her," they said, and just looked at each other, because of course they DO know Elena, and they DID just realize that she's been behaving out-of-character.
It was a nice follow-up to the previous line, where they said, "But that didn't happen, because Katherine had a

I completely agree it would be out of character. But I think there's another way of reading this episode that's not about a love triangle. From what I saw, Caroline noticed that Elena is acting out of character, that she's "leading on" Stefan in a way the real Elena would never do. Either she will realize something's

To me, the vampires "turning off their emotions" is almost the same as Buffy's vamps having/not having souls. So Stefan/Ripper is an analogue for Angel/Angelus. Of course, vamps in TVD are able to choose to turn their emotions on/get their souls back - but they have to be opened, softened (aka tortured) into the idea.

Yes, like exoskeletons, and fur, and wings, and tails, and myriad other things we don't have. That is a strangely weak argument.

Frankly, who cares how you like grades to be used? Once you've put them out there, people will use them as they see fit.
You might consider the relative, if slight, position of authority you've got here (just see the "professional writer" comment above, and its many likes), before publicly judging your readers.
Idk, I

That was hysterical. Is the woman afraid of nothing??

"…so perfectly explains the woman she grew up to be"