
At this moment, I'm more excited about seeing this than Episode VIII or Infinity Wars.

Those are pretty dire, but I'll defend Don Juan DeMarco as an entertaining bit of nonsense with a terrific performance by Johnny Depp before he became a professional Johnny Depp impersonator. Brando's "why not?" at the end of the movie (it makes sense in context) really would have been a nice note for Brando to retire

Jesus, I love that moment when he's climbing up on the chair and slaps Broderick's hand for no reason.

I've always liked this movie, but I can't fully appreciate it because I saw it before I saw the Godfather movies, so I didn't really get that Brando was sending himself up. It's a fun watch though; Brando and Broderick are a great pair, but for my money, Maximillian Schell and BD Wong steal the show with only a few

"It's just a bad message to send to disabled people that they're a burden and killing themselves is the answer."

Not to put a fig leaf on this, but technically the set of "all the feels" includes "I feel certain that this movie will be a piece of shit."

Well, there's no shame in bein' beaten by the best.

"Keira’s thing is to hide who you are and I don’t think you can be an actor and do that."

Ok, gotcha… yeah, I can see the useful comparisons between them.

Yeah, I love Queen too. But why would I have to choose between those two specifically?

I wholeheartedly approve of this movie, a truly underappreciated gem. And it's an early nexus of the superhero movie universe, as it retroactively stars Hank Pym, Iron Man, Spider-Man, and Rachel Dawes v1.0. And it's got Darkman's girlfriend too for good measure.

"…the public is much too concerned with a movie about scientists battling ghosts."

I'm with you, 100%: if you don't like ABBA, you don't like music. End of story.

It's the AV Club. It can always be two things.

Yeah, you rarely go wrong by putting it out there without a lot of fuss; some variant of "You're lovely, but I just don't see this working" is the best of a bunch of bad options.

Thor may not be the most compelling of the cinematic Avengers, but I did come away with a new respect for his standalone movies after watching the guy who wrote the first movie talking to the Honest Trailers guys:

"…even if Natalie Portman still wants nothing to do with the whole thing."

Your anus prints are just like snowflakes… they're both very pretty.

Duke, it's rare that I'd explicitly tell anyone NOT to read a book, but if you spent the time it would take to read "The Historian" binge-watching "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" instead, it would still be a better use of your time.

(possible Historian spoilers below)
Oh dear god, I think The Historian may honestly be the worst novel I've ever read. I'm not sure how I managed to finish it, but I gutted it out only because abandoning it would have meant letting the book win. I actually lost some respect for several otherwise intelligent family