
Yes! We've got a Maine Coon, and he is just a big dumb lovable doofus.

Greatest. Episode. Ever.

The story I read is that Disney inexplicably paired Van Dyke with an Irish voice coach whose Cockney accent was even worse than his. Eh, whatever… with all the charm and good nature that Van Dyke brought with him, I'm inclined to give him a pass on the accent.

Damn shame… I was hoping for a gritty reboot.

I can only provide an answer for the first one, which is "Holy shit, do they ever."

If you don't include the wights killed by Benjen Stark, there was no body count in this episode (unless I missed something). Is this unprecedented in the entire run of the series?

I'm calling bullshit because none of these questions involve cats.

Money is nice. You can use it to buy things… things that you like.

I assume Blessed would have played Odin exactly like Prince Vultan from 'Flash Gordon,' and it would have been incredible.

Can you clarify your original post? Are you saying that (a) there's as much hate and fear towards TRUMP from conservatives as there is towards HILLARY from conservatives, or that (b) there's as much hate and fear towards HILLARY from conservatives as there is towards TRUMP from liberals?

We should be so lucky. If Gary Johnson and Jill Stein were both onstage for the debates, they might actually be worth having.

But Hillary's proposals haven't been anything like Trump's; she hasn't promised to ban Muslims from entering the US, stop paying interest on Treasury bills, punish women who get abortions, make Mexico pay for a border wall, or order soldiers to commit war crimes, among various other absurdities. And it's not like

Yes. His whole argument rests on the US still being a viable entity after four years of a Trump presidency.

Yeah, he probably wouldn't have an answer for that, or for what happens if the GOP closes ranks around Pres Trump and gets him a second term, or if Trump screws things up so royally in 4 years that the Dems in 2018/2020 will be too busy cleaning up the mess to get anything else done, or a million other disastrous

Interesting; I recently met a very liberal Bernie supporter who said he'd vote for Trump over Hillary in the general election. Even though he hates everything Trump stands for, he figures that President Trump would be such a disaster that the Dems would be guaranteed (1) a majority in both houses come 2018, and (2) a

Trump looks unelectable on paper, but DON'T underestimate the hate/fear that the conservative base has for Hillary; it's at least on par with the hate/fear that they have for Obama, and it will drive a good number of them to hold their noses and vote for Trump.

Trumpolines, surely?

I'm with Doobie… musicians have been borrowing from each other since the beginning of time.

I actually worked with a girl who thought that James Bond was a real person, so your confusion is understandable.

"A villain like Apocalypse would fit right in to Marvel’s own Cinematic Universe—in fact, he’d probably be quite welcome…"