
No, that's a bear in a… in a bee costume.

It took me a couple of tries, but the time I finished it, I loved it. Believe it or not, it all does sort of make sense at the end.

I hope it's the 3rd Edition, and not the compromised 2nd Edition.

I feel your pain. I've got a 120GB iPod that I treat like a baby, because I don't know what's going to happen when it goes. I can't believe the jump from mass storage to cloud-based happened so quickly and so completely. And I imagine we've got Apple's legal dark wizards to thank for the fact that nobody else is

And also because only a grade-A sucker doesn't have unlimited data.

I thought Mingus at Antibes would be perfect music for negotiating a NYC traffic jam yesterday. I was not wrong.

My favorite thing about that is the careful wording. It's "a sci-fi action adventure featuring a dazzling array of special effects," NOT "a sci-fi action adventure featuring an array of dazzling special effects." So the effects may not be very good, but at least there's an impressive variety of them.

My favorite is the possibly-apocryphal story of how Steve McQueen turned down Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid because they wouldn't promise to put his name first in the billing.

1. Nope. It's actually ironic that the Jewish people maintained such a connection to the Biblical Land of Israel, since the very aspect of Judaism that allowed it to survive for 2000+ years was that it was a portable religion that *wasn't* tied to a specific location.

"Zionism is the concept that Jews deserve a homeland free from persecution…"

As we say every once in a while on these boards, "it can be two things." Wiesel was an eloquent voice for the victims and survivors of the camps, and for that he deserves praise. AND he was an embarrassing hypocrite where Israel's treatment of the Palestinians was concerned, and for that he deserves condemnation.

Goddammit and goddammit again. I really miss the good old days (ie 2015 and earlier) when celebrities only died in threes.

Dammit, you beat me to it by 6 minutes…

Well, sometimes strategic voting backfires…

Correction 1: Cliff got shitfaced on non-alcoholic beer that time when Rebecca switched out all the alcohol after realizing that their liquor license had expired.

Ugh… I hope she's doing all right.

Enjoy Catch-22. I really think it may be my all-time favorite novel.

Mrs BlahBlah and I were driving home and for some reason, we started talking about "Whose Line Is It Anyway?", a show that neither of us have seen in years. Soon we were trying to remember the name of the woman who took over hosting duties for Drew Carey.

You could always hit McDonald's on the drive over.

Not to give anything away, but I'm hard pressed to think of a movie that leaves less room for a sequel than Das Boot. I'm also of the mind that the original is one of the most brilliantly effective movies I've ever seen, and trying to follow it up is probably ein großer Fehler.