
Sorry, but I don't get the love for Christmas Vacation. It's cute, but it doesn't have the edge that made the first movie hilarious. And nary a mention of Aunt Edna and her lamentable end? For shame!

Jesus… mind blown…

I wonder, would simply putting the phone in airplane mode foil this? And how long would this technology be in use before the Epp Stowah was full of apps to work around this silliness?

Enjoy The Wire! If you liked Seasons 1 & 2, just wait for 3 and 4.

Right on, I feel ya.

Ugh, I've spent way too much time on the crazy conservative boards.

I HATE the word 'conservatard,' but at least it's a reasonably good portmanteau. 'Libtard' doesn't even work on that level, and it's just depressingly lazy. I know conservatives in general have a well-deserved reputation for being unimaginative, but that one's a bit on the nose, even for me.

You keep switching between the Breitbartian commenting style (lame insults, bad spelling, poor sentence structure, etc) and the National Review commenting style (pompous windbaggery and half-assed college freshman-level philosophizing). Are you SURE you're not a bot programmed to copy and paste right-wing comments

Can you define "gun fucker?"

Honestly, all BS aside, and coming from the perspective of a hobbyist gun owner who votes Democrat, thinks the NRA leadership is insane, doesn't hunt, doesn't carry, and doesn't sleep with a pistol under my pillow or on my night table, the difference between an assault rifle and any other kind of semi-automatic rifle

No respect for Disco Demolition Night?

Subsequent events in GnR history would suggest that this probably would have happened anyway even if that guy hadn't been taking pictures.

Or in the case of Boston, when your team wins.

Nah, Boyd, ya see, the thing is, I'm a gun owner too, and I don't think gun manufacturers should be liable in court for acts of violence committed with their products either. So, in substance, I agree with you. It's just that those arguments are better made when you can make them without coming off like a giant

Looking over Boyd's commenting history, I think he may be a bot programmed to randomly throw out right-wing talking points, complete with bad grammar and spelling.

Yes, I remember when Huckabee broke up their final battle-to-the-death with a pretty funny message about bringing civility back to politics. For one brief moment, Huckabee appeared to be a reasonable guy with a decent sense of humor about himself. It didn't last long.

All you Richie-Riches and your store-bought toilet paper make me sick. I can't be the only one who makes his own so as not to line the pockets of Big TP.

She could always pull a Julia Roberts and marry some regular schmo.

Just to put the Teleporting Varys speculation to rest, here's the final scene: