
He's not the victim. He thinks he's the hero, but he's really the bad guy, and while it's obvious to everyone else, he doesn't figure that out until the end of the movie. I haven't seen it in ages, but I'll maintain that it's worth checking out.

And the nerd doesn't get to hook up with anyone, because he's a nerd!
-John Hughes

That really would have been the greatest moment in GoT history.

Have the ten-hour loops of the Iron Islanders standing around the drowned Euron waiting for him to wake up hit YouTube yet?

I still believe that this is a song about STDs told from the disease's point of view.

Wow… that reminds me of the last few episodes of Cheers, when it suddenly dawned on Sam that while he was busy living a carefree bachelor's life and being the ultimate babe hound, he had also missed out on a lot of the good stuff that life had to offer.

Goddamn reality keeps stealing my best shit…

"In the year 2000, Major-league baseball will finally crack down on steroids, Barry Bonds will again lead the Majors in homeruns with 3."

Well, she had to carry much less weight in the older movies than Lawrence does in the new ones; in the first movie, Mystique's got ONE line in her own voice. She's a cool character, but I honestly have no idea why they made her so damned important in the new movies.

Mine too! But it led me to their better stuff, and to progressive rock in general. And that led me eventually to King Crimson, and eventually to Fripp's work with Brian Eno, and from Eno you can get just about anywhere.

Thanks again, 2016. RIP.

Really? Wow…

Awesomeness. The "I meant to do that" lick at 3:45 is especially spot on.

But there's plenty of vagina dentata on display if that's your bag.

Check your privilege, Brent.

How about Biohazard and Onyx teaming up for that "Slam" remake?

What a bunch of clowns… Looks like those clowns in Aerosmith did it again.

"Isn't Kid Rock from the Midwest? I think they were on the other side of the Civil War."
-Tom Petty on Kid Rock's continued use of the Confederate flag as a symbol of Southern pride

Knowledge being power and all, Rush Limbaugh's hometown is Cape Girardeau, MO. You're welcome.

She was probably hepped up on goofballs.