
Psib, you've done it again! (hands over big sack of money)

I suspect that the deal for this movie was made 5 years ago and there were some entanglements that kept it from going forward at the time, but someone ended up legally obligated to actually make and release it. It's just speculation on my part, but I think a movie about the making of this movie would be more

I guess I was hoping either it would be as batshit crazy as "The Fifth Element," or that it would have a genuine interest in what would happen if an average person (other than Carl Spackler) suddenly achieved total consciousness. Unfortunately, it wasn't either of those, and it didn't seem to be much of anything else

Coming in 2018… Fruit Ninja: The Movie

Last year, Mrs BlahBlah got a Bad Movie Credit after I dragged her to the theater to see "Lucy"*. I live in abject horror that she's going to cash it in by making me watch this with her.

I see… oh dear.

Awww, anyone would miss Pakistan, all tucked away down there.

Maybe not "smart," but I would imagine that "curious about the world" would be a prerequisite for even considering a career in journalism, despite all evidence to the contrary.

Wait, would Marvel Supervillain Lazer Wolf be the character from Fiddler, or a totally different character? Because I'm smiling at the idea of the earth being threatened with annihilation at the hands of an intergalactic army commanded by this guy:

Nothing really, he's just a doofus who isn't nearly as smart or knowledgeable as his image and publicity would suggest. Ya know, just like every other national news figure.

If Andy Kaufman were still with us and were to appear on Celebrity Jeopardy, I have to believe his response to every single clue would be "Who is Andy Kaufman?"

Future generations will be horribly disappointed in us when they learn that a character called "Lazer Wolf" wasn't a Marvel supervillain.

Ferrell as Trebek was a strange phenomenon: by making no attempt whatsoever to act or sound anything like Trebek, he came up with something much funnier than a "good" impression would have been.

Some asshole outside in the street just shouting his head off.

Aw jeez, I hope she comes back soon and safely.

I just assume that, if I hadn't have used it for school, I just would have wasted the money on something else instead.

Well, look, it's "THE grid", not "A grid," so there really shouldn't be any room for confusion.

Wait, do they mean "destroy" as in "Ann Coulter destroys MSNBC with one tweet" or as in "Godzilla destroys Tokyo?"

Yeah, shut it… the Garfield/Pet Sematary and Cathy/Carrie ones made me laugh hard.

Yeah, kill your father, steal his title, and after that it's just work, work, work…