
Stewart may not be the world's greatest drummer, but he may well be the world's greatest musician-who-happens-to-play-the-drums, and compliments don't come much higher than that.

I hate to admit that I liked them all the way through Blood Sugar Sex Magic; I lost interest after that, when they just kept making the same album over and over.

I'm also partial to Les Claypool's one on Bon Jovi. Maybe this feature only works well when they get someone who's both successful and a bit off-center.

Wow… I had originally written something in that post about Hitchcock being the guy most likely to rubbish one of his own songs, but I removed it for some reason.

This reminds me that way back in high school, one day we had a substitute teacher who killed time during class with trivia questions. One of them was "Name three actors who were in two different movie trilogies," and he used Harrison Ford as an example. (He allowed series that had more than three movies too, but the

Yes, very much so. In retrospect, T2 is compelling evidence, long before Titanic and Avatar, that Cameron did his best work with a limited budget.

Favorite? It probably switches between Zenyatta and Reggatta depending on the day. Ghost in the Machine is by far my least-favorite Police album, but even that one has some incredible stuff (Demolition Man, Invisible Sun, Secret Journey, Darkness, and damn it, I can't help but love Hungry For You). How bout you?

I'm waiting for a musician to do one on one of his/her own songs.

"…beneath the soft-rockiness are some genuinely great tracks."

Side 2 of Synchroncity is, in this order, Every Breath You Take, King of Pain, Wrapped Around Your Finger, Tea in the Sahara, and Murder By Numbers. I can't think of another album by ANYONE that's as stacked up with consecutive iconic material, and it's not even their best album.

Maybe, but most of Andy's Police songs had 'Mother'-like levels of strangeness. 'Friends' is about the joys of cannibalism, delivered in a bizarro Cockney accent, and his contributions to 'Be My Girl Sally' are all about an inflatable sex toy.

This could more accurately be retitled "Comedian You've Never Heard of Doesn't Like Really Old Comic Bit."

Overall a decent start to what will hopefully be a decent season, although I'm shocked and disappointed at Alexander Siddig's sudden demise after hanging around in a meaningless role that's nothing like his book character. Then I remembered that they did the same thing to Ciaran Hinds last season. I hope they got

Funny, I was thinking of Life of Brian during that bit:

There's stuff in the books that hasn't made it to the show as yet, but could still be shoehorned in somewhere.

I get to scoop the Simpsons Quote Generator!

These guys are from England and who gives a shit?

And today just went from being shitty to being extra shitty… RIP Mr Lyons and thanks for the awesomeness. I hope you're having a few laughs with Casey Kasem right now.

Awesomeness! Thanks for easing the pain.

No, just last night Mrs BlahBlah and I were talking about Prince's hobby of writing, recording, and assembling entire albums of new material with no intention of ever releasing them, and often permanently erasing them moments after they were finished.