
I thought I had developed a protective shell about celebrity deaths this year, but this one hits hard. I always thought that if Mozart had been living in our time, he'd have essentially been Prince. RIP, and thank U for all the great music.

"Why would they come to our concert just to boo us?"

Mostly I gotta go with Mr. Blue on this one and say that most of the Madonna songs I like are from early on, ie Borderline, Lucky Star, Live to Tell, etc, but later on she could occasionally turn out something special, and Rain is Exhibit A in that regard.

I'm in disbelief about the ignorance on display here. "Ow, My Balls!" was a very popular TV show, but "Ass" was the movie that Joe happened to catch.

I always imagine that when he covered 'Tutti Frutti', Boone genuinely had no idea that it was about doing the nasty. I think when confronted with a line like "I know a girl named Sue, and she knows just what to do," he probably concluded that Sue can do things like put up drywall or change a tire.

Do I remember right, that he had a problem with the Beatles early on too? That the lyrics really should have been "She loves you, yes, yes, yes" or some such nonsense?

Just like that Albert Schweitzer guy…

That's only because he lost his Roy Orbison tapes during a spat with Lola Granola.

This was long overdue. I hope they leave the 'Honest Trailers' guys alone; they're only doing God's work.

JFK: I would like to take this opportunity to, uh, express my fondness for, uh, The Simpsons' political commentary.

'Desire' took the longest time to grow on me (especially, like you said, following 'To Bring You My Love' which was both awesome AND an immediate grabber), but when it finally hit, it hit hard. The quiet tracks are the ones that really get me now; the title track, 'Angeline', and 'The Wind' are particular favorites,

Whoa. How many different posts are you replying to?

It could be pretty funny, though, if they bleep out Deadpool's vulgarities and make the bleeping sounds audible to the other characters. And when Deadpool breaks the fourth wall, everyone else should scratch their heads about who he's talking to.

I would gladly skip Infinity Wars and Episode VIII if it meant getting to see this instead.

+2 to McLean for the unique spelling of 'dufus.'

I don't bump Beethoven's shit in my car much either. Does that mean that he sucks too?

I can't tell if the "why the fuck is this guy I've never heard of telling me why he hates [some iconic musician's biggest hit]" factor is part of the joke or if AVC really just can't get any better-known musicians to contribute.

I've never witnessed this, but I'm intrigued; what do karaoke singers typically do during the instrumental parts of Stairway? Do an interpretive dance? Run to the bathroom? Just stand there and look stupid?

I'm coming around on White Chalk; every one of her albums takes some time for me. Right now I hold "Is This Desire?" to be her masterpiece, but I hated it for the first year or so.

Cool! Thanks for sharing.