
It's Ben Kingsley as Lansky in "Bugsy" for me.

Totally. That scene in the first movie, right after Supes' flying date with Lois, when Clark is about to tell her the truth and quickly changes his mind is a master class.

When the abominable Crystal Skull was in development, David Koepp suggested the title "Indiana Jones and the Son of Indiana Jones," and I hope to god they use that for the next movie.

Hey, how about when he sends his masseuse off with a slap on the ass (hilariously, it's dubbed with the same sound they use for the punches during the fight scenes) so that he and Felix can have a "man talk"?

"…it's complicated."

I wonder if this is another thing we can blame Brett Ratner for.

As regards Bruce, Ringo, Bryan Adams, and everyone else who's cancelling their NC concerts, wouldn't it be more productive (and more fair to the North Carolinians who think HB2 is stupid) to play the shows, then donate the proceeds to a nonprofit that supports the LGBTQ community (ie the Trevor Project or CenterLink,

Yep, but no matter how explicit the announcement is, there's always at least one or two assholes who just don't seem to think that it applies to them.

Oooh!! Oooh!!! "It can be two things."

Oh yeah! I totally meant the Bruce Campbell comparison as a compliment. Isaac's got exactly the right approach to this material.

I saw it, that is to say, I seen it, but I don't believe it.

I genuinely believe that by ROTJ, they were writing additional scenes where R2 would get shot or electrocuted just so they could use that sound again.

But every time R2 got shot or electrocuted, he'd let out that distinctive "Whooaaaaaa" of his, which wouldn't make sense unless he was hurting.

I think Poe Dameron could get away with it; Oscar Isaac is basically imitating Bruce Campbell anyway.


I think that might have been less horrible than what actually happened.

This looks intriguing and it's on my to-do list. Question for anyone who has seen it: how was Patrick Stewart's American accent?

I watched the video, and it's pretty clear that Bono was joking by the time he got to Chris Rock and Amy Schumer. Bono's general absurdity aside (there's really no meaningful comparison between ISIS and Nazi Germany where power is concerned), I don't think he's completely wrong.

Summer is coming, and I burn easily.

The car wash?