
Thikkwakk$$$ picked a name that's impossible to google. If you see them, tell them they're a bunch of idiots.

Steve Miller's music may be Meh at best, but I remember something he said in an interview in some guitar magazine ages ago: "I'm an OK singer, an OK songwriter, an OK guitar player, an OK live performer, and an OK businessman. If you put 'em all together, who knows? Maybe you have something."

Well, yeah… I so wish he'd still been around when he was inducted into the RRHoF; aside from what would surely have been a new world record for the use of the word "motherfucker," I can only imagine what his acceptance speech would have been like.

I didn't know that about Jet Airliner, and I'm certainly not here to defend The Artistry of Steve Miller. But when I read Miles' autobiography and got to the part where he ripped the bands he toured with in the 70s, it did make me wonder if the guy who gave us Birth of the Cool, Kind of Blue, Miles Ahead, Bitches Brew

For some reason, I read the quotes from Dan Auerbach in the voice of Frankie Five Angels when he was recanting his testimony against the Corleones. I think Auerbach woke up next to a severed horse's head the day after the ceremony.

Which brings up an interesting side question: given that Miles was a towering musical genius and Steve Miller isn't, could Miles have written Rock'n Me or Jet Airliner?

When I was a kid and cable TV was new, "Stay The Night" was constantly on MTV and the first "Lethal Weapon" was always on HBO, and it took me a long time to figure out that Peter Cetera and Gary Busey weren't the same person.

Yes, until goddamn "Nemesis" came along and screwed everything up.

Seriously, though, a few years ago we went to some "Comedy for Peace" event (no idea what it was actually called) featuring a Jewish comic and a Muslim Palestinian-American comic, and the Palestinian guy was WAY funnier than the Jewish guy. It turned my head around completely.

I've got a soft spot for Demolition Man myself.

This cannot be allowed to happen. If it's a documentary, it'll inevitably get positive reviews, and this would ruin Schneider's perfect record since he'd have to appear in it, even if only in archival form.

"The actor/actress must have performed in at least 10 films."
"At least one of these films had to be within the past five years."

I guess we'll see. It's worth noting that the hostility between the Obama and Hillary camps in 2008 was a hell of a lot worse than the hostility between the Bernie and Hillary camps now, and they all made nice in the end.

Nah, if Hillary wants the Bernie crowd's vote, she'll have to do something like this, and I believe Warren's pragmatic enough to take the opportunity if it's there.

Elizabeth Warren as the Chair of the Fed in Hillary's cabinet might lead to some meaningful change as well.

I have an awful feeling that eventually there's going to be a SW movie set between ROTJ and TFA, with Von Sydow's character playing a major role. And we're all going to go see it.

I'm with Flapjack; my prediction is that the shot of the dragon breathing fire directly into the camera is from a different scene entirely than the one where Tyrion sneaks into the vault.

God, now I really hope we get this exchange:

"Daddy, did he call you a n******?"
"No. He didn't have to."

I have to figure that Cuts Like a Knife, Straight From the Heart, Run to You, and Heaven make up for Everything I Do. And even in the case of that cheezy song, as the late Alan Rickman pointed out, at least the royalties are taking care of the late Michael Kamen's family.