
Thanks for sharing that, Cine… it's mind-boggling how much our grandfathers went through before they even turned 20.

Mostly, yeah, although it seems to me that Schindler's List was a huge gamble at the time. If I remember right, there was some skepticism about Hollywood's King of Light Entertainment making a 3 1/4 hour B&W Holocaust movie with no big stars (at the time).

I'm with Whovian… no matter how great Spielberg can be when he's on, the sentimental schlock is just part of his DNA.

How do you get a guitar player to stop playing?
Put some sheet music in front of him.

Ten earth-years or ten Zearth-years?

I can't recommend Rendezvous strongly enough; it's probably my favorite of the Clarke novels I've read. I'm not sure that the female characters come off any better than the usual, but in general it's full of fascinating ideas and it's a real page-turner.

Wow. My life has a purpose again. Note that several movies appear multiple times (ie Dune Warriors and Equalizer 2000), but I feel that, given the nature of that list, it's a feature and not a bug.

I like to imagine that Ray Wise is using the money he gets from crap like this and Atlas Shrugged II to build a private space station.

"He'll never be the head of a major corporation."

I'm going with "paycheck," but I have nothing to back that up with.

God's not dead, He's just sleeping. Who can blame Him?

Anyone else assuming that guy's last name is actually 'Hlehm'?

Math nerd here: don't fuck with Graph Theory, which is awesome and amazing and somehow still only the third or fourth best gift that Leonhard Euler gave us.

Check it out! It's pretty good despite the total miscasting of Cuba Gooding Jr as OJ and the too-frequent winking-at-the-camera appearances of the young Kardashian brood.

I just picture Fuhrman turning any topic, be it climate change, Syria, or the Oscars, into a diatribe justifying police brutality against black people.

It makes sense, in a Fox News sort of way. Who better to criticize Obama's deal with Iran than the guy who secretly sold them weapons?

"Are you the creator of 'Mallard Fillmore'? Because you are making me laugh," said nobody, ever.

It would surprise me if he WASN'T a frequent Fox contributor.

He's one of those guys I just don't get the hate for. Besides, he'd be in my cool book for Bull Durham alone:

Yeah, but this way is faster!