
I meant to post something similar. The Soviets really did have the technical capacity to destroy us (albeit while destroying themselves too). The worst ISIS can do is to get us to destroy ourselves via poor decisions and listening to the wrong people.

The remake isn't very good, but it has a fantastic cast and it won't ruin your memories of the original movie at all.

Thanks! That was driving me crazy.


All these years later, and I just noticed that Mean Gene Okerlund has the most amazing Minnesota Nice accent in the world.

Yeah, Rowdy Roddy Piper (RIP) was always my favorite.

First, cheers to the GoT cast for putting the IRC in the spotlight; they're a great organization doing absolutely vital work, and they deserve as much attention as they can get. Give them a couple of bucks and you'll feel better about yourself.

I do love the Jeopardy, and I have a soft spot for Trebek, but the list of annoying Trebekisms could go on and on. The way he mimes playing the violin every time the response involves a violinist aggravates me so much that I now break out in hives any time "classical music" or "musical instruments" are among the

Yes, a thousand times… seeing Soledad O'Brien and Tucker Carlson out themselves as total morons a few years back was a real treat.

I so wish that, by some cosmic scheduling accident, he and former Bangles bass player Michael Steele ended up on the same episode together.

I'm not sure… I can't imagine Steven Wright could be anything like his onstage persona and still be a functional human being, while my impression of Bill Burr is that he's pretty much the same guy onstage and off. I'd guess that most standups are somewhere in the middle, Louis CK included.

I like it! We can have a separate "Behind the Iron Curtain" sub-line that'll be available online only.

I wore a hat.

Aw, you don't really mean that… it's got pre-Dude Jeff Bridges, pre-cocaine (possibly) James Woods at his sleaziest, a classic theme song, and as a bonus Rachel Ward pins some guy's hand to a wall with a knife. What's not to love?

The same Leonard Maltin who panned Requiem for a Dream because it was "awfully hard to watch"?

Killing Apollo wasn't intentional, but neither Drago nor Mrs Drago seem too bent out of shape over his having just killed that movie universe's version of a globally-loved figure like Muhammad Ali. "If he dies, he dies" aren't exactly the words of a man filled with regret or remorse.

Interesting take! It's just possible that there's a good idea for a movie buried somewhere inside Rocky IV. If only Stallone had been better able to keep Rocky and Rambo clearly delineated as time passed…

Ok, now I'm thinking about kickstarting "Gear of Stalin" as a clothing line; shirts and hats adorned with communist icons (Lenin, Che, Mao, etc) and sold mainly to hipster douchebags. Viva capitalismo!

A basic tenet of Communism (of the Marx/Engels variety, at least) was that it would develop naturally out of any currently-capitalistic society once The People realized how unfair and corrupt their present way of life was. So, yeah, there's something to be said for the idea that at least some Soviets might have looked

There's a great need for an unabridged audio version of Miles' autobiography as read by Samuel L. Jackson.