
Yeah, jeez, it seems like only yesterday that 'Heathers' came out and everyone was talking about Slater as the new Jack Nicholson. Damn, I suddenly feel old.

I'd suggest Name of the Rose first; if you like it, go for Foucault's Pendulum after that.

Foucault's Pendulum is one of my favorite novels, although it is a bear to read. I think I 'got' maybe 15% of what's in there, but that 15% was amazing.

Killing Jane? Shit, there were people still rooting for Walt after he poisoned Brock!

Yeah, but it still hurts.

No, the exclamation point signifies that it's a factorial.
Jeb! = Jeb * (Jeb-1) * (Jeb-2) * … * 1

I didn't read every comment, but am I the only one here who thinks Insomnia might be his best movie? I'm not being a contrarian hipster asshole; it was a compelling mystery with lots of interesting characters, the atmosphere was all-enveloping, the scenery was fantastic, and Nolan did a man's work reining in Pacino

My own favorite example of this is 'Wonder Boys', which retroactively stars Original Ant Man, Iron Man, Spider-Man, and Batman's girlfriend v1.0, and throws in Darkman's girlfriend for good measure.

I'd like to think Christopher Meloni would be a good onscreen me, but more likely they'd cast Corey Stoll. Ideally, however, I'd like my biopic to be a series of B&W still photos just like 'La Jetee,' with narration in French by Sophie Marceau. I don't speak French, so it makes perfect sense.

For my part, I loved the acting and the writing in Birdman, but found the camerawork needlessly distracting and the 'one continuous shot' thing came off as a gimmick that got old very quickly.

I'd like Spike Lee to make a movie about the Holocaust using an all-black cast, just to see if any Academy members' heads explode.

I read the headline as "Joe Mantegna to star in History's Navy SEAL drama SIX," which I would definitely watch the shit out of.

I can't help but feel sorry for Clarence Thomas. He's got a hell of a decision to make about whether it'll be Roberts or Alito who does his thinking for him from now on.

Oh, I won't argue that with you. It's really kind of nice that we can all bond over a discussion about our most-hated Scalia opinions; for me, Citizens United is the one that really makes me want to break something.

It's not easy, but I try like hell not to celebrate anyone's death, even someone like Scalia. I'd rather he had woken up on Sunday morning, realized what an enormous douchebag he was, and set out to do something positive to make up for it.

RIP… anyone who wants to see a different side of the man should check out 'Vanya on 42nd Street,' a very odd adaptation of Uncle Vanya from 1994, also starring a young Julianne Moore and the great Wallace Shawn. I suppose that Punky Brewster and the Police Academy movies subsidized Mr Gaynes' less well-paying (read:

Trump may be a loon, but he's a harmless loon. Ted Cruz is the guy I lose sleep over when I think about worst-case scenarios.

True, 'good actor' and 'good voice over actor' are not one and the same. My own pet peeve in this regard is the insistence on cramming as many big names as possible in for even the most minor roles. I mean, I love David Cross, Jackie Chan, and Seth Rogen, but with approximately 4 lines apiece, do their voices really

If I have to say something nice about the current Transformers movies, I'll credit them with hiring some bona fide voice actors (ie Frank Welker, Peter Cullen, Jess Harnell, the mighty John DiMaggio) for the robots instead of filling every last minor role with a big-shit movie star (yes you, 'Kung Fu Panda' series).

Aw, for the love of god, I thought this nonsense was long behind us. News flash from 1994: you can play ANY album against ANY movie and you're going to find at least a few moments of synchronicity. Kayne West's 'Yeezus' album probably syncs up nicely with 'Rashomon' but it doesn't prove anything.