
Never speak ill of Atom Heart Mother… even if the Floyd members themselves think it's garbage.

For some reason I'm reminded of a story about Golda Meir when she was the Prime Minister of Israel. Her advisers told her that there had been an epidemic of rapes happening at night, and they suggested a temporary curfew for women. To which Meir said, “Men are committing the rapes. Why don't we put THEM under curfew?”

What is, "…it's nothing compared to the problems white males experience every day in today's society."

God, so many great lines from Moonstruck…

I think it speaks volumes about Salvation that I remember watching it, but I don't remember any of the things that you listed.

You can put me down as a Terminator purist; I find T2 overblown and corny, and I don't like that Cameron went down the time-travel route again instead of setting the whole thing in the future with adult John Connor at the center. The bonding stuff with Ahnold and the kid is so gooey I want to throw up. Early on, Sarah

I think I'd prefer it if Michael Bay directs this, and it turns out to be the steaming pile of shit that we're all anticipating, and THEN Wright/Pegg/Frost use it as raw material for Hot Fuzz 2.

Exactly! I keep hearing the old saw that 'Divorce rates are much lower among arranged marriages.' Yeah, no shit, because divorce is barely even a concept in places where arranged marriages are common.

Cool! I once knew a girl whose hyphenated last name translated to Bridge over Troubled Water.

To be fair, so would most of our grandfathers.

I kind of hope it just gets released as Untitled Deadpool Sequel.

No mention of Milton and his red stapler? Granted, it's more the love of a man for a fine Cuban cigar than the love of a man for a woman, but it's probably as close to 'affection' as Milton is capable of feeling.

I'd love to see one season where the Bachelor guy has decided beforehand to act like a total douchebag, just to see if the women behave any differently.

Man, there's a Tom Petty quote for every occasion: “If you have to call yourself a rebel, you probably aren’t. Certainly if you are a rebel, you don't go around calling yourself one.”

I can't be the only one hoping that the Dubai-colliding-into-London sequence happens at the very beginning and has absolutely nothing to do with the aliens.

You're not alone; I've seen it dozens of times, and I still tear up every time Rocky's screaming for Adrian after the fight at the very end.

Funny, I reran the series recently and came away with #2 being the weak link. The first one is of course a classic. 3 and 4 are completely insane but undeniably entertaining; if they're junk food, at least they're junk food that tastes good. 5 is a disaster but at least it takes some interesting chances. 'Balboa'

I am now hearing every Morgan Freeman narration in Judd Hirsch's Independence Day voice, so thank you for that.

I'm with ya. When I watched #3, I immediately thought of William Hurt's line in 'A History of Violence'… "How do you fuck that up?"

#3 is pure garbage aside from a few fun moments courtesy of Gibson and Banderas. #2, however, is deliriously over the top and thus pretty entertaining; it's essentially the movie that the first one should have been. It's most likely also going to be your only opportunity to see Sly, Arnie, Bruce Willis, Chuck Norris,