
The closest I've got is Christopher Lee saying 'I could have shot you down when you arrived, but it would have been ridiculously easy' in Man With the Golden Gun. Partial credit for 'could' instead of 'should'?

Well, this guy sounds like he's in no way a douchebag.

Kurosawa had a perfect opportunity to send someone falling over a railing after being shot, and he blew it. It would have put this movie on par with Death Wish 3.

Me too! Never missed an episode of either show when I was a kid. But I haven't revisited MacGuyver since, for reasons that must be obvious, although a rewatch of Quantum Leap might be worthwhile… well, the first few seasons, anyway.

Richard Dean Anderson is in my cool book for figuring out that if there really had to be a Stargate TV show, it was best handled as comedy; just take a moment to imagine the atrocity that SG-1 would have been if it had been played straight. So if this puts a few bucks in his pocket, I say Huzzah. (I'm just assuming

I've never actually said "Shut up and take my money!" until this very moment.

Surely that could have been dubbed in later, no?

"That guitar had two days til retirement, Russell."

Abso-fucking-lutely… acoustic guitars only appear in movies to be smashed, just as helicopters only appear so they can explode.

I guess they'll keep making Nicholas Sparks movies as long as people keep paying to see them. Dammit, maybe it's time to rethink this business of capitalism.

I'm detecting a subtle yet unmistakable streak of arachnophobia in these comments. If it helps, next time you see a spider, remember that its diet includes flies, mosquitoes, and cockroaches, all of which are potentially more serious dangers (or at least, annoyances, depending on where you live) than nearly all of the

It's a common but irrational fear. Just remember that that upside-down severed head is much more afraid of you than you are of it.

RIP Maurice White, and thanks for all the great music. I saw EWF a few years back, after he'd stopped touring with them. He was missed, but even so, it stands as the single best concert I've ever been to. And I might just agree with Miles Davis, Quincy Jones, and Dionne Warwick, all of whom said that EWF were their

With all these McLaren F1s being purchased, it's weird that I never seem to see any on the road. Are you pulling our leg, you sneaky Pete?

Do you suppose it's the same company that's putting out the Angry Birds movie?

I maintain that 'Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter' could only have worked if Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell had made it in 1982 on a budget of $5000 or less.

Get thee to Netflix immediately. It took me forever to get around to watching Intolerable Cruelty, and I wish I'd gotten to it sooner. It may be a minor entry in the Coen oeuvre, but it's hilarious and well worth seeing.

I need to rewatch A Serious Man, but it sure stuck with me after one viewing. The part dealing with 'the goy's teeth' is one of the great sequences in filmdom.

Was Harvey Fierstein's character explicitly stated to be Jewish, though, or are we just assuming he was because it's Harvey Fierstein?

I put Goldmember way below the first two. Subtitled Michael Caine and Danny DeVito as Mini Me were really the only parts that I laughed at.