
But Gwyneth has an Oscar, so she can do whatever she wants and the world can just kiss her ass.

God, seriously… I've never seen a trailer that screamed out "Oscar Bait" like the one for Concussion did.

With regards to smaller movies like Birdman or Whiplash, I wonder if the recognition is actually a turnoff to a lot of the potential audience.

"I'd feel pretty crappy if I was nominated because they needed to fill a diversity quota rather because I was the Best Writer."

I was really hoping that this situation would get people talking about how pointless the Oscars really are, how out of touch the Academy is, how the nomination process is a joke, how the winners don't generally get much of a career boost, and how quickly everyone forgets who won. I was probably expecting too much.

When I saw the title, I assumed this was a prequel to 2005's 'The Man,' starring Samuel L. Jackson and Eugene Levy. You bastards!

That's what I figured when I saw the first trailer. And I am incredibly unskilled at anticipating even the most blatantly-telegraphed plot twists. Also, the current Wikipedia plot summary is hilarious.

I'd say Disqus is always unusually bad, but then that wouldn't make any sense. Also, how many of you are using Disqus accounts, and how many are using AV Club accounts? (mine's AV, hence the no avatar, and I'm wondering if I should switch over)

I call bullshit on this GJI because whoever did this couldn't find the long-lost Steven Seagal episode, which had a Richmeister skit that consisted almost entirely of Seagal beating the crap out of him.

At least the 'you lika the juice' sketch was self-aware, ending as it did with David Spade coming in and asking Adam Sandler if they could end the sketch already. Sandler's response was pretty funny… 'You no lika the sketch anymore… sketch is boring, is just same joke repeated over and over… ok, we enda the sketch."

If you're going to refer to Joel Kinnaman that way, please use quotation marks; ie Kinnaman was "Robocop," while Peter Weller was Robocop. Thanks!

I still say that he and Sam Worthington are the same person, and he gets twice as much work this way.

And maybe that's part of the problem… Nolan's dark and moody style worked perfectly for Batman, but it's totally wrong for Superman. Superman's world is supposed to be colorful and sort of corny…

There was about 5 minutes when the rumor was that Bryan Cranston would be playing Luthor. That casting seems better than perfect.

Kevin Smith, the writer, is one of our national treasures. Kevin Smith, the director? Not so much, and he'd probably agree. I can't help but feel that Dogma would be viewed much more favorably if someone else had directed it off of Smith's script.

Douchebag that he can be, I'm still quite taken with Penn Gillette's rule of thumb: if the founding figure is still alive, it's a cult, and if not, then it's a religion.

I find myself wondering what would have happened if the Monty Python guys (who had a long history with Adams anyway) had taken on a film adaptation when the first book came out in 1979 (right after finishing up Life of Brian).

"And here's SNL alum Victoria Jackson. She's playing for the Creation Museum in Petersburg, Kentucky…"

Yes, but when you and another contestant are *tied* for first, your only move is to wager everything.

Wow, thanks for hipping me to Merlin Miller and the Pioneer Fund. They're… interesting.