
And yet if they'd all ended up with $1 each, they'd have all come back the next day. Jeopardy is a harsh mistress.

But the celebrities play for charity. Thanks for letting us know that you want to take money out of the hands of poor orphaned children, Tigercat919…

That was a really, really hard Final Jeopardy clue, but you can blame Randy (Contestant #3). The other two were tied for first, so they really had no choice but to wager everything and hope the other one missed it. Randy shouldn't have wagered anything; if either of the other players got it, she'd lose anyway, but

I don't get it either. Maybe it's that, to the next generation, they represented everything that was 'wrong' with music in the 70s; overproduced, self-serious, more focused on the business than the music, verging on pretentious, etc. Of course, you could say all that about Zeppelin, ELO, and five hundred other bands

RIP Mr Frey. Now that this has happened, I await the inevitable reappraisal of The Eagles' legacy; I assume everyone who shat on them for decades will suddenly claim that they liked them all this time.

He had a fun minor role in Wolf of Wall Street, but that's all I got.

" I literally do not understand how they think most of the time, though."

Yeah, I find I 'appreciate' Sinatra's music more than I enjoy it, and he doesn't seem to be the kind of guy you'd want to sit next to on a long flight, but he was a surprisingly good actor.

Very interesting… thanks for sharing.

"The meal is not over when I'm full! The meal is over when I hate myself." - Louis CK, American

Back when the earth's crust was still warm and I was an undergrad, the Gay/Lesbian student group would put on 'Jeans Day'. The idea was that you'd wear jeans to show your support for gay rights.

I last saw them back in the 90s, during the double-trio lineup. What's a Crimson concert like nowadays?

As an ex-server myself, this cliched exchange still makes me want to kill, all these years later:

I feel your pain; I started losing my hair in my early 20s, and an interview I read with the cellist Mstislav Rostropovich helped me to be ok with it. Talking about meeting the great Pablo Casals when he (Rostropovich) was just starting out, he said, "Casals was short and bald (although now I realize there's nothing

This exchange in the original Manchurian Candidate turned me into a life-long library hound and bookworm when I was 14 or 15 years old:

I'm not sure if it's masochism or morbid curiosity, but I can't get enough of the NR comment section. What with the Buckley influence, there's a certain je ne sais quoi that I don't find on other rabidly conservative sites.

FWIW, over at the National Review, my go-to site for conservative lunacy, there's a positively glowing piece about this movie called, with no apparent irony, "What 13 Hours Teaches about Benghazi." The article is pretty much what you'd expect.

Too true… there's got to be a fascinating story behind the Academy's treatment of Kubrick. Or was it just that they knew he wouldn't come to ceremony anyway?

I have a few of those to go along with my collection of Right Wing Jesus Freaks Who Share Anything That Disparages Obama Without Checking If It's True First.

I'll trade you two of those for one Recently Divorced Ultra-Liberal New Age Woman Who's Obsessed with Self Improvement and Posts About It Every Two Minutes.