
Technically, his first big role was in Les Miserables, where he distinguished himself with that Kermit the Frog singing voice of his.

Don't listen to the naysayers… The Revenant isn't perfect, but you want to see it on a big screen.

Not a bad list by Academy standards. I'm glad to see Fury Road get some love… if it were to win one of the big ones, I'd gladly take back some of the things I've said about the Oscars.

For everyone who's planning to watch some of his movies to remember the man, I suggest a little-known movie from 1998 called 'Judas Kiss.' It's got Rickman playing a detective from the deep south and Emma Thompson as an FBI agent, working together to unravel a Coen Bros-esque kidnapping plot. Not a great movie, but

I don't think 'regret' is an emotion that Trump possesses, because it would require him to admit that he's capable of making mistakes. But your sentiment is spot on.

Go fuck yourself with a chainsaw, cancer… seriously. RIP Mr Rickman, and thanks for everything.

No, no, no, we should all pray for Trump's continued well-being. If something were to happen to him now, the GOP nomination could go to someone who's more electable, and god forbid that that should happen.

I love Dogma and I love Salma Hayek, but holy hell is she awful in it.

I admire Rickman even more having read that he rejected that role over and over, I assume because the producers only wanted him to rehash Hans Gruber. He finally accepted it on the condition that he could play the part any way he wanted, and came back with the raving and drooling absurdity that we know and love. The

Jeez, for some reason I'm now stuck with the image of Will Ferrell in the role, playing it a la Ron Burgundy… 'Egads, the inside of this horse is quite pungent!'

I assumed that applied to everyone here. Why am I always the last one to know anything?

Man, I wish the Razzie voters weren't so lazy where the acting nominations are generally concerned. Every year, it's mostly just the performers in the Worst Picture nominees/also-rans. Wouldn't it be much more insightful to pick genuinely rotten performances that weren't necessarily in terrible movies, even if it's

I need to know how much that is in McLaren F1s before I commit to anything.

There was a band I played in ages ago, and I lobbied really, really hard for us to be called Diablo Canyon 2, but alas it was not to be.

Damn, this is a good piece. It occurred to me a long time ago that Bowie survived the excesses and insanity of rock stardom by figuring out that he didn't have to be the same person offstage that he was onstage. Then he took that idea to its extreme by realizing that he didn't always have to be the same person

I liked Oscar Isaac in TFA too, especially since the only other thing I've seen him in was Ex Machina, where he's playing a character who couldn't be much more unlike Poe Dameron. And I couldn't have been the only one getting a Bruce Campbell vibe ("How does this work? Do I talk first, or do you talk first?") from


There's also Freddie Mercury and 'The Show Must Go On', and I suppose that probably applies to everything else on Queen's last album Innuendo as well.

I heard something similar about Robert Fripp's guitar part on that track, to the effect that he and Eno marked the studio floor with masking tape showing where he should stand when he played certain notes so that the feedback and sustain would be optimal. I'm not sure if it's true, but it sure sounds like something

The way his voice almost breaks at "We're nothing, and nothing can help us" kills me every single time I hear it.