
Well, when you put it that way, it's perfectly reasonable. And yet, my soul still hasn't recovered from that undergrad a few years ago who responded to a mention of The Police by saying, "Oh, I've heard of them. They sang 'Get Down Tonight,' right?"

As if I needed another reason to want to beat cancer to death with a shovel. So long, Mr Bowie, and thanks for all the great music you gave us.

The Revenant: Go see it on the biggest screen you can. They may as well just give Lubezki the cinematography Oscar now. It's simultaneously the most beautiful and the most brutal movie I've seen in a long time.

Hey, I just watched Joe vs the Volcano this weekend too! I hadn't seen it since high school. It doesn't totally work, but the parts that do are amazing. The factory scenes are the best thing that Terry Gilliam never filmed, and that first sequence when they're adrift on the floating luggage is pure magic.

'Moon' was one of those perfect viewing experiences where we just walked in to the theater on a slow night with no expectations, and came out having seen something we'd never seen before. I wish Rockwell had received an Oscar nod.

I went through a King phase a while ago; The Shining was my favorite.

I just saw it… one of the most beautifully shot movies I've ever seen. They really might as well give Lubezki the Oscar now, and just not have any cinematography nominations this year. The music (all hail Ryuchi Sakamoto's return to film scoring!) and sound design are similarly incredible. If they put out a version

Have you seen Touching the Void? It hits all the buttons you're looking for, and it's all true.

I only read about halfway through the comments, but where's the love for Scary Monsters? 'It's No Game Pt 1' starts with a Japanese woman going on stridently about something or other, continues with some vintage Robert Fripp guitar insanity, and ends with a wasted Bowie yelling repeatedly for everyone to shut up.

Aside from all the other encomiums it has received here already, it's also the movie that introduced the term "brah" to the common vernacular. It's also got some vintage Keanu Reeves non-acting and Gary Busey at his Gary Buseyest.

This. Unless it's a movie that was designed for 3-D from the ground up, like Avatar, Hugo, or Gravity, I just can't do it.

I suppose there's something to this. Mayhaps the other major-studio, "explicitly 3-D" movies that came out after Avatar (ie Gravity, Life of Pi, Hugo) directly owe their existence to its success, in which case it was a small price to pay.

"Cameron isn't stupid enough to recycle the same thing twice"

Be careful what you wish for. Even if Cameron came through with that, he'd have the Na'vi triumph over the Terminators and Xenomorphs because they live in harmony with nature or something.

I liked it too… in the theater, in 3-D, on a huge screen, it was quite an experience. Then again, I stumbled on to it on TV recently and I gave up after 5 minutes of trying to be interested in the plot, dialogue, acting, and characters.

After Avatar, Gravity, and Life of Pi, I'm waiting for them to just go for broke when the marketing blitz for Avatar 2 starts; maybe a tagline like "See it in the theater… because it's going to suck on TV."

What happened? The Internet.

He sounds pretty much like Deadpool does in the cartoons (Hulk Vs…, etc), so I don't see a problem there.

But the pizza places (and 99.9% of all other restaurants) are all closed on Christmas… that's why it's basically Chinese or nothing.

Yes to 'Death-Star-itis'… maybe the only major thing I would have changed about TFA would be to have the rebels damage and disable (but not destroy) the Big Round Thing That Destroys Planets in the big finale, figuring that the First Order mechanics would have it repaired in time for the climax of Episode IX.