
I caught Ninja 3 on TV when I was a kid, and I've never forgotten the experience. As I recall, the movie takes the 'only a ninja can kill a ninja' concept very literally; in the very first scene, the entire LAPD puts dozens of bullets in the bad guy ninja and it doesn't even slow him down. He also causes an

Most punchable face of 2015: Martin Shkreli or Ted Cruz?

No way! Those bastards in New York play their games, and we play ours.

Dammit, you beat me by 3 minutes. In retrospect, I shouldn't have wasted those precious minutes getting the Simpsons quote exactly right. Well played.

"'Vitameatave—get it out of here!' is presumably what the residents of Celoron, New York said… 'Scary Lucy,' as the ghastly monument is known in New England folklore…"

There's something to this… Free Fallin' is another fantastic studio song that never, ever sounds right live.

I don't know what it is about that rolling shot through the trees at the end of the Revenant trailer, but daaamn does it make me want to see the movie.

God, don't get me started on 'Jazz'… what a waste.

Does it love Jesus?

My old local paper summed Moore up pretty well in their review of Fahrenheit 9/11: 'Moore is a dishonest, egomaniacal pain in the ass, but down deep inside you know he's right.'

It's to do with freedom or some kind of shit like that.

I have seen this movie and am prepared to comment on it. Overall I'd put it in the #3 slot, after ESB and ANH, and well ahead of ROTJ (the prequels can go after that in whatever order, I don't care). Sure, it's essentially a remake of ANH, but to paraphrase Roger Ebert, when you're relaunching the biggest franchise

I'm guessing that when they were negotiating with Ford, his biggest demand was for Han to be killed off definitively.

Well, yes and no. It's a strange collection of songs and a tough listen, but at the same time, it was a heavily-promoted major label release, produced by Flood at the height of his fame. (It's also my favorite album of hers, although it took a few years to get there.)

That one a few years ago where he played Mickey Cohen; it had a title that I'm too lazy to look up.

What's a battle?

STILL no love for Peanuts?

I wholeheartedly endorse this product or service.

She's kind of in the sweet spot career-wise, in that she knows that she'll sell at least 100,000* copies of any album she puts out, and with almost no marketing, and that's both good and bad. On the one hand, she's making the music she really wants to make with no concessions to anyone. But on the other hand, when

I just had a vision where the next Trek movie after Beyond will be directed and co-written by Edgar Wright, and it will co-star Nick Frost as the new Trek universe's version of Spock's half-brother from ST V. Bonus points if they can involve Timothy Dalton somehow. This MUST happen.