
What an amazing line. It's also amazing how thin Gene was back then. Today I don't think his ass would fit in one of those purple chairs.

No Ex Machina? No Peanuts?

Here's a terrific video of Gene meeting and getting a lesson from the legendary Carol Kaye, possibly the most prolific session bassist ever.* He seems genuinely awed by her and is definitely happy to be the student in this situation.

I think JK Simmons could take them both at the same time.

Zappa never touched drugs either; I can't vouch for everyone he played with in the 70s, though.

Ah, come on, I love Die Hard as much as anyone, but you can't tell me that it doesn't get a whole lot tighter if you remove any trace of Dwayne F'ing Robinson from the proceedings and make the FBI guys more competent.

I'd put Die Hard right after Terminator… if only they'd dropped the Stupid Chief and made the movie 15 minutes shorter, I'd be with you 100%.

Two important questions about the new Tarantino movie:

Cronenberg… and that included Cosmopolis.

Well, your memories are wrong! For my part, I might go as far as to say that the original Terminator was the best action movie of the 1980s (and much better than any of the sequels, including T2).

The T1000 looked cool, but didja notice that he didn't really do much, and the mimicking thing was never really used in a clever way*, and despite his abilities he kept changing back into Robert Patrick for no apparent reason? My own completely unsupported theory is that the 'liquid metal' idea came to Cameron too

Yes. We can apply them proactively to next season.

Late followup, but thanks for that link! Great shit… and you're spot-on about Mike Campbell; there's not a single musical situation that wouldn't be improved by throwing him into the mix.

Late to the party, but I just finished reading the book and I can't recommend it highly enough. Petty's been a hero to me since high school, and I was amazed to find out how little I really knew about him. And it may just be my own neuroses at play, but I always find it somehow comforting that even the most gifted

And that's the thing…. 'conservatard' is a stupid, idiotic thing to say, but at least you can see where it came from; phonetically speaking, it's a reasonable combination of the two words. 'Libtard', on the other hand, makes no sense even on that level. And it's just lazy to boot.

Me too… I know plenty of Tea Party types who would give you the shirt off their back. There are lots of good and decent people out there who just happen to believe a lot of stupid shit.

I think my favorite aspect of Genisys was the change in Kyle Reeses, and I mean that very sarcastically. How do you go from Michael Biehn's Reese, who looked like he'd been living underground and surviving on rats and dirt for his whole life, to Jai Courtney's Reese, who looked like he just finished a P90X workout

Also, is this the proper forum for me to complain about AMC making Better Call Saul so inaccessible? It's been 8 months since the season ended, and it's still not up on Netflix, Amazon Prime, Comcast On Demand, or any of the other usual outlets.

He was a decent bad guy in Jack Reacher, but it was also halfway through the movie before I realized he wasn't Sam Worthington.