
I could also have done with 4 or 5 fewer rape scenes.

Ok Armond, now tell us all about how Transformers 3 was better than The Artist…

Given the random punctuation and ellipses, I'm unable to not hear this in Christopher Walken's voice.

Looks good to me, aside from the lack of love for Oscar Isaac in Ex Machina. And the nod for 'Writing's on the Wall' can only mean that there weren't enough songs in movies this year.

My cloistered lifestyle and work schedule don't allow me to watch nearly enough TV, but I did manage to get hooked on Jessica Jones; it's the first time since Breaking Bad that I've felt the need to binge-watch something, and I can't really sing its praises any higher than that.

No Will Smith? Fuck that noise.

For me, the final aerial battle in the Peanuts movie is up there with any randomly-chosen five minute stretch of Fury Road.

True enough… Supes/Clark's first date with Lois ('What color is my underwear?') is a master class in acting on Reeve's part, what with all the instant turning on a dime from Clark to Supes or vice versa.

Sorry, I'm just getting here now (out of town all week); I didn't see any mention of James Woods' British court-looking hairpiece in the otherwise excellent 'True Believer' (a compelling mystery and proof that Woods was once a wonderful actor; also featuring a shockingly young Robert Downey Jr and Kurtwood Smith in

With the dough I'm making, who cares about mileage?

The only takeaway I have from Scrubs is that John C McGinley finally, finally got the role and recognition he deserved after years of appearing in total crap (Useless Fact of the Day: he's the only actor who was involved in both Highlander 2 and On Deadly Ground, both solid picks for Worst Movie Ever Made).

And not even a glimpse of Jason Momoa as Aquaman, either.

It seems like the kind of doofus thing that Superman would do as Kent to make him seem even more useless. I assumed that Superman would not only know all about Bruce Wayne, but would also immediately figure out that he's Batman.

Maybe, just maybe, the first five minutes of the movie will show Batman and Superman fighting for no reason until Doomsday interrupts them and nearly kills them before Wonder Woman shows up to save them both. And then it moves on to another story with no relation to what we just saw, just like a Bond pre-credits

True story. I just bought a McLaren F1 and so did my neighbor's mother.

Sorry gang, but I don't get the hate for Gervais. The Office, Extras, An Idiot Abroad, that time on the Daily Show when he and Stewart riffed on panda sex for ten minutes… what else does he need to do to get a pass from y'all?

The google sez he's worth $80 million, so he can stick it to billionaires and still technically be punching upwards.

And 'The Golden Child' and both Fletch movies. He may not have made the best movies, but you can't deny that the guy got around…

Sadly, this is easily one of the 2 or 3 most credible articles that Drudge has ever posted.

A better time… I'm reminded of the Honest Trailer for Ghostbusters (https://youtu.be/SM-l_3RaYsk ); over a shot of Murray, Ackroyd, and Ramis, the voice over guy says, "Yep, this is what movie stars looked like in 1984, kids!"