
Economies of scale, etc…

Future Inventory idea: Worst 'AV Club Inventories' Ever

Apparently he was offered the Dumbledore role, but he was already committed to playing Gandalf and didn't want to be typecast. Still, it's a shame that he didn't show up in a smaller role somewhere in the Harry Potter movies.

David Lowery nearly slipped in the bathtub and almost died for your sins.

What did you think?

My big two are (1) that scene in The French Connection when Frog 1 and 2 are eating that ridiculously fancy meal while Hackman watches from outside, freezing his ass off and drinking bad coffee, and (2) the prison scene in Goodfellas where the wiseguys are making dinner (including the garlic sliced so thin that it

I hope so. Heavenly Creatures remains a masterpiece. Maybe he needs to go small for his next movie.

'The Wire', goddammit!!!

I know your neighbor's mom and everything you wrote is complete bullshit. Shame on you!

The biggest problem I had with 'The Shield' (still one of my all-time favorites) was how they dealt with the guest actors they felt they needed. Glenn Close, Forrest Whittaker, and Franka Potente all seemed external to the show, and their exits felt contrived; it was clear that their characters left the story only

'The Final Sacrifice' is a gift that keeps on giving.

I enjoyed it while I watched it, but now I can't really remember a damn thing about it except that it had a few good Loki moments, and the climax was entertainingly batshit crazy. Also, I can't help but feel that they made the stakes a little too high for a single-character movie. The bad guy is trying to destroy

This, truly, is the Greatest Story Ever Told. Did anyone do anything memorable when James Woods grew a vagina?

"The pig says, 'My wife is a slut.'"

Shit, this is gonna make them The Biggest Band in the World for the fourth time, isn't it?

Shocking AV Club Confession: I've never actually seen American Graffiti. It's on the to-do list, though.

"And they call ME punchy…"

Has there ever been a story like that that didn't end with the intentionally-ridiculous song being the performer's biggest hit?

I assume that Person-Man was bitten by a radioactive person, and as a result has all the abilities of a person… in other words, he's exactly the same as he was before.

I had no problem with the villain reveal. I just hated the text telling you what happened next. But then I always hate text that tells you what happened to fictional characters after the events of the movie. Dammit, they're fictional characters! After the movie ends, they don't exist any more.