
Don't forget the 'jungle junk' music (in Paulie's inimitable words) in Apollo's old gym in Rocky III… said music was just an instrumental version of 'Eye of the Tiger', but the movie wanted us to think it was the kind of hardcore urban soundtrack that a white guy like Paulie would find dangerous and scary.

"Scorsese, in turn, makes DiCaprio movies a lot more fun than some of the serious-minded stuff he does with less talented directors. (Body Of Lies and Blood Diamond don’t reward the actor’s effort with the same electricity.)"

Nuts to that! Let's see John Woo and Chow-Yun Fat next.

'DiCaprio chooses peculiar roles for himself.'

The King of Comedy is fantastic; it's a whole other side of DeNiro that doesn't come out often. Let us know what you think after you see it!

True enough… I wonder if, in retrospect, we'll look at Jackson and the LOTR movies the same way we look at Francis Ford Coppola and Apocalypse Now: great directors whose talents just crumbled after a massive project that was probably too much for any mortal to handle.

I think that's just a Peter Jackson thing. Remember the dinosaur stampede/chase in King Kong?

I dunno, Vader saying, "No, I am NOT your father" doesn't pack quite the same punch.

I'm only here to second the protests over the exclusion of the goddamn Millennium Falcon, and to say that I'd rather have a Super Star Destroyer than any of these.

For that matter, so was 'Identity,' which came out in 2003 as well.

And wouldn't they be a perfect way to get around quickly in such a large place?

Well *duh*, of course from a helicopter. I thought that was understood.

Come on, look at those pictures of Clinton and tell me that's eight years of normal aging…

I get the impression that for Palin, fishing involves firing an AR-15 wildly into the water and seeing how many fish she hits.

It's also the most stressful job on earth, even for someone who's in great shape. Look at Clinton before and after his term, or Obama in 2008 vs Obama now. Heck, it aged W and he didn't even know he had the job.

I still can't figure Quayle out all these years later. I try to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that his image came from a combination of (1) his being objectively terrible in front of the cameras, and (2) the press en masse deciding that they really, really didn't like him from the very beginning.

Did anyone ever try to estimate how long McCain would have lasted if he'd won? I say there's at least a 90% chance we would have had a President Palin at some point, even if it was only for a few days.

Still a great tune… it's time for an Inventory on Classic Songs That Were Introduced in Completely Forgotten Movies.

From what I saw in Spanglish and Punch-Drunk Love, he's got the talent to do whatever he wants. Unfortunately, he seems content to keep churning out crap.

Classic Ebert. Here's some classic Siskel, explaining a simple test he'd use to evaluate the movie he was watching: “Is this movie more interesting than a documentary about the same actors having lunch?”