
I would have killed Obi Wan off suddenly in the middle of Episode II just to fuck with everyone.

'The Good, The Bad and The Ugly' is considered a prequel to 'A Fistful of Dollars' and 'For a Few Dollars More'. There's no hard and fast chronology to the series, but in TGTB&TU, Clint's character gradually picks up the clothes and props he'd have in the other two movies. Also, TGTB&TU explicitly takes place during

This makes me sick. Doesn't anybody buy American anymore?

"And they're still all one person, right?"

Hello, chief. Let's talk. Why not.

Something I always wondered about: how the hell did they transport the AT-ATs to the surface of Hoth, and how much storage space did they take up on each Star Destroyer?

"…and it has the lamest Bond villain to boot."

I misread your comment, and now I have the image of Charlie Brown in a Nehru jacket cradling his head in his hands and saying "I just can't stand it" as his secret underground base explodes around him.

"You love chickens… you like their feathers…"


With ridiculously short arms, too. I never had an avatar, so welcome to my world.

My own personal favorite lunatic-right corner of Facebook was a charming (and now sadly defunct) page called '300,000,000 Million Americans Against the Ground Zero Mosque' that I stumbled on to around the 2012 election. The name is not a misprint.

Shit, I miss the old days when getting online was hard. You had to go to the computer store, buy a blazing-fast 1200 baud modem, install it in your computer, arrange for a second phone line because you'd get knocked offline if someone else even picked up the phone, and sign up over the phone with CompuServe, GEnie,

Or is it John Swartzwelder?

I could see it working in a Frank Grimes sort of way, where Piett is just as inept as every other senior Imperial officer, but by dumb luck, Vader is always looking away at exactly the right moment for someone else to get blamed (ie killed) for Piett's screw-ups.

"We're on a mission from God, and we're putting the band back together." I'd watch that.

'Kingdom of the Crystal Skull', written and directed by the Coen Bros. In retrospect, once you've decided to make an Indy movie set in the 1950s and involving aliens and UFOs, your reference point has to be 'Earth vs the Flying Saucers' and the like. Given their gift for period details and their apparent ability to

For me, it's the least of the OT, but it's only by comparison with the other two. Watching it now, I like it a lot but I feel like it was a missed opportunity in a lot of ways, and you can see the outlines of Future George Lucas already shaping up.

"(I quite like For Your Eyes Only as is)."