
"You mean where Vader hunted down and destroyed the remaining Jedi?" At the head of an army of supersoldiers in Boba Fett's armor, no less… I would have watched the shit out of that.

Yeah, growing up with the OT, I always pictured pre-Vader Anakin as a towering and universally admired figure in the Old Republic, a great man who developed an unhealthy taste for power that corrupted and ultimately doomed him. And regardless of his personality, his turn to the Dark Side should have happened much

I made it to the Peanuts movie, and it was everything I wanted. Sure, you can complain that Snoopy was much softer towards Charlie Brown than he ever was in the comics, and there's no explanation as to why so many of the kids are suddenly in the same class regardless of age (Linus) or geography (Peppermint Patty,

For a guy of his age, he seems to like being on the road, so I imagine you'll get a chance. I've seen him three times and every time was fantastic.

I remember Petty doing one of those side columns in Rolling Stone in the early 90s where they ask someone what they've been reading, watching, etc. His response was pure Petty amazingness, to the effect that he and the Heartbreakers were big fans of those fishing shows that ESPN used to run back then.

For 'Bad Santa' alone, Thornton's face should be added to Mount Rushmore.

You mean that the posters here are in lockstep in finding Trump and Carson ridiculous. You have no idea if there's any consensus here on gun control, abortion, foreign policy, campaign finance reform, or who's the best James Bond (note: it's still Connery). And even if there was 100% consensus, generalizing the

But if we can't use the 'AV Club' meme, CancerAids, or 'it can be two things,' AND we can't make fun of Trump, what the fuck are we supposed to do on these boards?

Why is Pointman only responding to your posts? What's wrong with the rest of us?

This thread had put me in a bad mood until your post reminded me of Wowbagger the Infinitely Prolonged from 'Life, the Universe, and Everything,' an immortal figure who keeps himself busy by insulting every sentient being in the universe one at a time.

"He is the big red button when you turn your democracy into oligarchical and your culture anti-intellectual."

I could give a shit about Stormfront. I stopped paying attention to Billy Joel after An Innocent Man.

I so badly want this to be the true story…

Yeah, shit… all you need to do is look at a cut-away image to see how little storage space a pyramid really has.

I'm just crying laughing at that image. And then he sees Harry and growls out 'Potterrr….' just like he used to say 'Michaellll…' on AD.

Nah, Connery had Goldfinger, still easily the best Bond villain ever. He had the best plan, the best lines (even Bond had no comeback for 'No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!'), and the best wardrobe. And he was consistently ahead of Bond the entire time, and in the end the only reason he didn't get his way was because

Will Arnett would have been a compelling Snape…

Which reminds me (sort of): if, back in 2000, the Warner Bros execs had decided to Americanize the Harry Potter saga for the movies, who would/should they have cast?

I'm more interested in the Bletchley Park episode. Do you think Ozzy could pass the Turing test?

When I was a kid, they showed Doctor Who on public TV, and the opening titles always freaked me out. I think it was probably during Tom Baker's run. The time tunnel with that music? Forget it…