
Star Wars: Episode VIII: War Elk, Key Sulk

If this theory is true, of course, it can only mean that Adam Driver is actually playing Khan.

I could go that way, but I love the idea of a blank-faced idiot being the guy who provides Bond with all of the next-generation equipment that's supposed to save his life.

Funny, I never looked at Primus that way. I always figured they were closer to Zappa, Beefheart, and all the weird shit that Ralph Records was putting out (ie The Residents, Snakefinger, etc) than anything else.

All three, but it isn't fair to blame them for what came later, unless you're also going to blame the Beatles for prog rock, or Led Zeppelin for all the shitty hair bands that followed them.

Ricky Gervais as… Tubby Apathetic Bond, who'd rather eat junk food in front of the telly than fight the UK's enemies, runs out of breath and needs to take a break during even the most rote action sequence, and usually doesn't even answer the phone when M (Stephen Merchant) calls him with an assignment. Also featuring

DAD is overall a piece of shite, but there were a couple of things that I liked about it:

They're an intriguing live band too. Way back when, I saw them on Hordewarpapalooza or whatever the fuck festival it was, and they did an interesting sort of anti-set. If I remember right (the day involved mushrooms), the stage was extremely underlit, each member was performing behind a screen so you couldn't really

'Murder by Numbers', which was an interesting misfire.

When I get the time machine working, the first item on the to-do list is to give Petit a GoPro to wear during the walk.

Jeez, did Terry Gilliam run over Kayla's dog?

Johnny Cash seemed to keep improving with age, though.

I just re-watched 'Race for Your Life', and yeah, it's definitely got some intense shit for a kids' movie (as a kid, I freaked out when the gang got caught in the blasting zone and when Snoopy and Woodstock got misled into the cave). Some of the art direction is fantastic, though; the backgrounds in the outdoor scenes

He also didn't rat out Mr Orange (who he knew was an undercover cop), even after Mr Blonde cut his ear off and was about to immolate him. Officer Nash never gets any respect, but he's the ballsiest sonsabitch in that movie.

Well, I was 5 years old… Nowadays, I think the 'No Dogs Allowed' song is pretty funny. And it's not just Snoopy who's an asshole throughout; everyone else is a miserable bastard from start to finish too. I really wonder what personal shit Charles Schulz and the team were dealing with when they made it.

Maul was pretty bad-assed given how little he had to do. And why exactly wasn't the Clone Army based on him instead of that putz Jango?

We all look the same to them.

Growing up I knew a guy who swore that he co-wrote 'Allentown' in Billy Joel's basement studio, even though he would have been about 8 years old when that song came out.

That's how you know that George Lucas himself came up with it and not some Lucasfilm intern.

To be fair, it couldn't have made Attack of the Clones any worse.