
"… the same people who don't trust the government (Ahem, right wingers), are the very same ones that are perfectly fine with the increased militarization of the police and the increasing police state we live in."

The same academy that saw fit to give Stanley Kubrick an Oscar for Visual Effects, and nothing else.

Fine, this episode is indicative of the decline from the Golden Era into whatever came next. But I can't judge it too harshly because it gave unto the world two immortal lines: the aforementioned 'Moon pie… what a time to be alive', and 'The best part was when the buildings fell down,' which spawned 1 billion Youtube

I'm scratching my head trying to figure out what kind of multiple-attacker BJJ moves Griff Whelan was expected to do if the snap hadn't been botched.

You are the tour guide, Mr Torrance. You have always been the tour guide.

I still crack up any time I start thinking about the wrestling episode, featuring a pre-'Scorpion King' Dwayne Johnson playing his father, Rocky Johnson, complete with a huge afro and giant sideburns:

I finally caved in and watched the remake when it hit Amazon Prime. It's not terrible, but just like the Total Recall remake (which WAS terrible), I kept wondering not only "why did they feel compelled to remake this in the first place?" but also "why did they feel compelled to make the new movie as bland and

Activity for a slow work day: speculate on how the new SW movies can pull off a 'Days of Future Past' by retconning the prequels out of existence while leaving the OT intact.

"…a new Star Wars movie that promises to be completely devoid of Jar Jar Binks."

Unfortunately not… when Obama won in 2008 and the Dems got a majority in both houses, we all kind of figured that put a fork in the GOP for the next twenty years. Sadly, it didn't work out that way after the Repubs doubled down on their new base (ie stupid people).

I've never been more proud of my home state. I really hope she runs again in 2016, so that she can inject another $50 million into the state economy and get nothing in return.

Natural consequences of getting rid of school prayer.

Liv Tyler is gonna be bummed come 2020.

Stock footage.

Nice! And now your friend is in a unique position to answer an age-old question: is it worth going to a Rush concert if you can't play air drums the whole time?

The only entertaining thing about Retaliation was speculating on what kind of accent Ray Stevenson was trying to do. My best guess is he was going for Cajun.

During the Police reunion tour, nearly every song they did was in a noticeably lower key than the original, in deference to 56-year-old Sting's voice. If it can happen to Sting despite the yoga and the tantric sex, it can happen to anyone.

"I didn't know Rush had a female singer!"

Sorry about the Cubs, I wanted to see them go all the way; and as a Sawx fan, I wish it had been anyone but the Mets.

Wait, are we talking about Dik or Rush Limbaugh?