
"No hugging, no learning" was the show's credo almost from the start.

The Moops!

Watch the microaggression, sir.


Not even when he was on food stamps.

Do not taunt the McLaren F1.

Apparently 'Battleship' didn't become the monumental franchise that Hasbro was banking on, and then all bets were off.

"Oh, well, fun's over. But I still have my wonderful money."

Sharing this because it's awesome:

But that did set up my favorite moment in the movie (which may be damning with faint praise), when Pratt's trained raptors took the hybrid monster thingy to be their alpha and did their heel turn. Pratt's 'oh shit' face when he figures it out is priceless, and all that was missing in the next shot was a Monty

It depends on one's ability to set one's expectations realistically. I went in hoping for a few hours of 3-D dinosaur mayhem, and on that front I wasn't disappointed. Watching it at home and focusing on the story, characters, dialogue, or anything resembling scientific accuracy would be a different experience

Dammit, if I'm gonna pay $11.25 to watch this thing, I wanna see at least one star wipe.

With such a silly political system, how ever did Naboo become the capital of the Chommell sector?

In today's episode of "Neo-Cons Say The Darned Things", we'll catch up with the Weekly Standard's Jonathan V. Last, who yesterday doubled down on his 2002 statement (to wit, the Empire was really the good guys) by claiming that both Revenge of the Sith and the new trailer for The Force Awakens support his theory:

This is a pretty good approximation:

Or enjoy the classic "Wishing Well" skit from Benny Hill (Prowse is the guy who isn't Benny Hill).

And frankly I'm surprised that more hay hasn't been made of the latent homosexuality on display when conservative sites like the National Review or Kristol's own Weekly Standard positively cream themselves over how much more manly Putin is than Obama.

Unfortunately, his moment has been going on for 14 years now.

And elected Queen at the age of 14, too.

Or if, in a galaxy where droids are commonplace, you still shoot down vehicles escaping from a ship you've just captured even if it's not showing any life on board, just to be on the safe side.