
The Empire was racist/species-ist, so there's that. Every Imperial officer is human (and white, and male, and British, but that's another discussion), and I think we're to assume that all of the stormtroopers are humans too.

If, however, "The Force can have a strong influence on the weak-minded," it probably provided the average schmo with motivation to do well in school and to make learning a lifelong priority, though. Being a teacher must have been easier in that galaxy: "Study hard, kids, or else Jedis will be able to control your

The midiclorian explanation was one of the two or three stupidest things about the prequels, and that's really saying something. I hope it gets hand-waved away in the new movie; "Midiclorians? Oh, that's a discredited theory they had about the Force fifty years ago, but nobody believes that nonsense anymore."

You're out of your element, Billy!

Hopefully the rule will be that whatever size you are, your onscreen avatar will have the same proportions. Morbidly Obese Iron Man, here we come!

I vote for "August and Everything After" as Most 90s Record Ever.

Awesome!!!1!! Are you friends with Mike? I'm glad it's working out for you. But you guys need to stop liking on your own posts; it reeks of desperation.

Liking on your own post is just gauche. That shit may play on the Rolling Stone boards, but this is the AV Club, for god's sake.

If it means we get to enjoy the spectacle of Bobby Jindal hosting, I'm in.

Donald Trump: King of Mars. Sure, that'll solve everything.

Meh. I want the next movie to be a faux-documentary called 'Apes of the Planet of the Apes,' but I'm used to not getting what I want so it's no big deal.

MacArthur Parker the agent? MacArthur Parker MY agent?

Any thoughts on that Dobby-looking figure standing next to R2? I'd hit it. Just sayin'…

Thanks for sharing that link! Those floor plans are amazing. And regarding Frasier's pad, aside from what Cerusee wrote, don't forget about Martin Crane's Social Security and police pension; not sure what kind of dent they'd make in Frasier's monthly nut, but they can't hurt.

The crap Rocky sequels don't take the shine off the original for me.

'2010' gets a pass mainly due to goodwill from '2001'. What else? 'Timecop'? 'Sudden Death'? 'Outland'?

The Peter Hyams model.

Chesty Morgan?

Aside from the fantastic 'Stealing the Enterprise' sequence and the way Vulcan looks, I don't have much use for TSFS. In trying to bring Spock back from the dead, they were trying to solve a problem that didn't need solving. I may be in the minority here, but I think it might have been better for the series in the

In the first movie, there's a quick news story about how Gruber had just been kicked out of some European revolutionary group. They cut away without giving a lot of details.