poop dick

I sure hope it retains the random, racist digs at the Native American community!

"Yeah, it had that woman who pooped up the stairs."

It's certainly not their best album but it's definitely their most undeservedly shit-upon, due to the horrible movie.

Destroying Zelda II with an aluminum baseball bat is such a perfect encapsulation of early 90's childhood.

Post Beavis & Butt-head, that applies to pretty much every Mike Judge project.

God forbid an outwardly pious person would, in practice, turn out to be a total fucking hypocrite!

The vinyl includes a digital download. I saw them when they rolled through Philly and they slayyyyyyed

I'm not usually one to call for someone to be fired, but… if you can't watch a fucking television show and form some sort of coherent analysis then MAYBE you shouldn't be writing for the New York Times?

I have serious doubts they even watched the show in the first place. It seems like their perception of the show is pieced together from the "…on the next episode of THE KILLING" previews at the end of each episode. It is also horribly written with more .50 words awkwardly inserted than a freshman English comp essay.

He has an Australian Cattle Dog!!! (like 6:00 into the video)

well I hope somebody got fired for that blunder

I think he was just correcting my (erroneous) statement that guns were largely unregulated in that time. While true in many places, it was not the case in NY, somehow I forgot their notoriously strict gun laws stretched back quite a ways. Although people intending to use their firearms for criminal purposes generally

it still seems kind of high maintenance for a junky, though, don't you think? also, yeah ny has some crazy gun laws, forgot about that.

fyi you could buy a shitty revolver in the 60's for like 20 bucks, maybe less. not to mention it wouldn't even need to be functional in order to serve its intended purpose. there weren't really any serious restrictions on who could purchase a firearm until the GCA of 1968 so, yeah, guns were really not that hard to

Hell's bells, gregwlsn! There is gonna be such a fuckin donnybrook up in here if you don't knock of that sasstalk…

Yeah I don't know either. I guess people are so used to seeing Don do whatever he can to convince the client to accept his vision. But sometimes you just gotta dump the motherfucker already.

^^^ Good point. Also, the crew cut sidekick was a total closet case, when the fuck are they gonna bring Sal back???

Also, it's funny that Don chastises Peggy for the publicity stunt she pulls with the ham company, when it's almost the exact same thing he does here. Create a commotion to sell a product.

Haha, really? I'd never heard that. He has so much more to be sorry for.