Katie Scarlett

she was even gorgeous in a Man from Uncle episode - and those shows were not in color, but in black and white

she was also in a movie called Suck about a Canadian band called the Winners and she was the lead singer and at the start of the movie became a vampire so the band became very popular - music was good in it and it was funny, too - Iggy Pop and Alice Cooper were also in it and quite funny in their parts

they were terrific in it and held their own against Michael douglas

it's best to just see Kirk in Strangers when we meet (1960 movie with Kim Novak - spoiler as his love interest) awesome movie - that is all

plus how many total likes

I was thinking of a female singer in remembering it on the radio

they're actually a couple in real life - she was previously married to George Clooney

plus poop on the stairs and all that noise, what a way to live when you need calm and quiet to rejuvenate after a hard day's night at SCD……

so moving in together and not marrying really worked out

and he's married, stan's not

good one Mrs. Peel, they could send the truck straight to the funeral home and not bother with medical treatment

like on Streets of San Francisco - hauling an injured cop to the hospital and there was nothing but a stretcher inside the back of a small truck

thanks for the info

good to hear from you, Claire, didn't watch American Idol at all this year, so missed your insightful critiques - at least no white guy with guitar winner and was an all girl finale - enjoying that baby?

so right, he's fantastic, enjoyed the Streets of San Francisco, then 20 years later he was in Basic Instinct in San Francisco and a cop again, he's so rewatchable, even in Wall Street when he was the bad guy - I have gotten to like him more than his dad - though Kirk in Strangers when we meet is terrific 1960

that'll be some double feature

he wasn't evil in Basic Instinct just psychologically messed up and spoiler - involved off and on with the police department psycho psychologist

you've made some valid points, Chartex - I feel if the watch this feature leads people to see good films and the discussion thread then brings up in this case, the excellent Wages of Fear, it has it's place - the discussion of Cape Fear reminds me that I commented on Mitchum in this film in the Thunder Road thread and

their soundtrack for Risky Business was the first time I heard Tangerine Dream and it was great

can't comment below re MASH - agree that the book was not good, which is probably why I liked the movie (but saw it in letterbox with commentary backstory along the bottom which made it much more interesting and enjoyable) - as for the tv show, it had it's moments but mainly happened because the movie was well