Katie Scarlett

and though very overly dramatic, he was also quite good in Home from the Hill - for a good comedy performance Holiday Affair with Janet Leigh - he's chilling in the original Cape Fear (which couldn't be as bloody, etc. as DeNiro in the remake but the better performance I think as it hinged on controlled menace so I

a good variation on "good food, good meat, good God, let's eat" which I heard from somewhere but can't remember where

this movie made teenage girls in the 1950s Robert Mitchum fans as much as they were Elvis fans - they probably would have gone crazy for this even more if Elvis had been allowed to be in it (and acting before being in the Army more like his Jailhouse Rock performance) - Mitchum's son was okay in it but never seemed to

so much of Sinatra's swagger had too much bully aspect to it

I've found Rosemary's Baby to be quite re readable through life - it's interestingly told and well plotted - after first reading it in high school I enjoyed the very rewatchable movie because it followed the well written book faithfully, it was Ira Levin best book, A Kiss Before Dying is good and the movie adaptation

also it transports you to another place and time which can be enjoyable - I recall some of this as I was in high school

that's why hot pants (very short shorts) came into fashion - dresses were so short that your pantyhose covering your underwear was all that stood between you and nakedness when you bent over the least bit or went up a stairway

she'd be shocked to know how this so never happened

and it didn't occur to me that the door may have been unlocked - so as someone said above make sure doors are locked before you go to bed

she played her part convincingly but then she seemed to be just looking for things (to steal) so it reminded me of the cat woman episode on America's most wanted - a woman looked for someone out of their house and in the garden then tried the front door, if open went in looking quickly for things to steal and if

well said, but pete and Trudy did the charleston

with boots to go with her "street" skirt

next it'll be battleship or clue - they can just get more childlike and move on to candyland

or creepily invited peggy to come over and watch, too

I just remember her awestruck and staring at the enormity of the moment

and Shipka was good in a movie on Hallmark Channel called Smooch which I tuned in to watch because she was in it - a better title would have been A Prince, Not A Frog

however, the chip and dip can only produce one death - though I stand corrected because it's not that heavy to conk someone out so the broken pieces would have to do the job and there would be a lot of broken pieces to use

no kidding - it wasn't his funeral

John Cassavettes was so perfect for that part - creep-o-rama

I was reading James Bond at 14, then in high school Rosemary's Baby, Catch 22 and One Flew Over the Cookoo's Nest