Katie Scarlett

very Dorian Grey

actually, Roger's daughter's wedding was on the day of the assassination which for a wedding would be trouble

also, even though I like the Glenn character as he relates to Sally as a male friend over the years, would he be eligible for the draft now, all I remember is that a high lottery number kept you out - not being in college or working at a job

in response to William Bones, people in offices at that time started selling Avon (I bought it in 1969 and 1970 at work) during lunch, you could bring in booklets, co-workers made their selections and product was selling - they made some good money but not enough to quit your day job - plus that was where the

and we get enough reality as it is - to travel to another time and experience is much more than what soap operas do and is why they're disappearing, also  drama costs more than talk shows which are in the reality category

true but it started with Sterling Cooper and less names using & Partners can make the agency look bigger which was the intention merging with CGC

plus he got some big money in the PPL buyout so he got quite rewarded for what he brings to the agency (reminder - was not contributing as much recently due to "love" leave as astutely put by Bert Cooper)

it sort of leaves Lane on there and he was important to the launch of the new firm, it's just too bad that he paid the ultimate price for lack of success - and unfortunately, was in a marriage where he couldn't talk to his wife about what was going on financially, especially when it was all on his shoulders as she

when you faint in a non-drug use state, depending on how long you're out, you can definitely have realistic dreaming that can be quite weird

and especially because most of us have worked with someone like that - it's really close to home

what about the "I don't want to go on with you like that" video

just as long as he doesn't wear the duck suit at all, keep his physique on display as much as possible - especially hot tub scenes like in the Liberace movie

no, they've done the picture comparison - William looks like Charles and Harry looks like James Hewitt

when I first saw him in Inception I thought where has this guy been - wow

in response to Opera_Punk in comments below, it's tickle your ivories - and as the David Bowie song says "that's the heart's filthy lesson"

and be nearly roped and tied

or we want to go on with him like that and be a pair of shoes on his welcome mat - and maybe he'll just quit 'em 'cause we want him back

or Tom Hardy in a hot tub

and she especially had the perfect face for the makeup style for eyes at that time - on someone else it would be way too much but it was perfect on her

that was quite a story and especially how that district attorney got the prosecution done to get those sickos all in jail to be punished for their crimes